I had a little excitement here this morning! I was just calling a friend when I heard/felt a loud BOOM!!!!! I looked out my north bedroom window (which was open) and couldn't see anything, but could hear a crackling noise...at first I thought it was rain hitting leaves on the tree, but then there was no water on the sidewalk. So I went to the other bedroom and looked out the west window....to see flames about 15-20 feet high! From my vantage point it looked like they were going right into the two ?? telephone, cable, power??? lines above them. (Later, from a different angle I could see the lines were north of where the actual flames were.)
Meanwhile, my friend had answered the phone and I said, "Sorry...I'll have to call you right back!" and I immediately called 911.
The flames were in my neighbor's backyard (directly behind me). I thought surely a propane tank or something must have blown up. It wasn't a paint can or hair spray can boom...it was a
BIG BOOM!!! It rattled my windows!!! (Not to mention by "cool"!)
I started telling the 911 operator what had occurred and she of course, needed to know what kind of an explosion...I don't know. As we talked, I saw the neighbor man Frank (that's
NOT the same f-word I have repeatedly used to define him for the rest of this day however!!!) I told the 911 operator that he was walking around and didn't seem to be upset or hurt or in a hurry....maybe this is ok...maybe he has it under control.
She asked that I go outside and talk to him and find out what's happening. So I did. I yelled "Hello" pretty loud several times over the privacy fence, and he finally said, "Yeah?" I asked him if he was ok...yeah.
"Did you mean for this to happen...is it controlled?"
He said, "Yeah...I'm just burning off some old drift wood and stuff..."
I said to the 911 operator, "Yeah...he's ok...evidently he MEANS to be doing this. Isn't it illegal to burn like this in the city?"
She assured me it was illegal unless he has a permit. She kept saying she was going to have a firetruck come check it out and I kept saying he says he has it under control. But she insisted...and what was I to do but agree that would probably be a good idea!!! (Actually, I wanted to say, send police too, because we may have a violent person in the neighborhood at any minute!)
Within about five minutes the firemen arrived and walked through his garage into the backyard. They were there for a few minutes, and I have no idea what the conversation was. I can only hope that he was fined for what he was doing!
As the day progressed he has continued to be out there from time to time. Up until just a couple of hours ago I could still see smoke rising off the residue. I can't see the actual base of the burn as I have a 6' privacy fence. The fire appeared to be about 3-4 feet the other side of my fence...putting it about 6-10 feet from my shed...which has combustible pool supplies in it!
Before dark this evening, I fully intend to go out and climb up on the railroad ties behind my shed and look over to see if the fence was damaged and to make sure the fire appears totally out before bedtime. If I get told that I'm being nosy or stepping over my boundaries, I probably will just break down and cry...well, either that or hop the fence and tear the jackass a new one!!! (Those of you who know me can probably figure that one out.)
So I ask you, what's a person to do when you have a total moron for a neighbor? Is this what one should expect when they live in town? I've tried to be a good neighbor..I really have! I put up new fencing; I keep my dog from barking; I don't play loud music (they do); I don't drink beer and throw the loudly clattering glass bottles into a tub every 10-12 minutes (they do); I don't have grandkids that scream and scream and scream when they come to play in my pool (they do); I clean up my one dog's piles immediately (they have at least 3 dogs and NEVER clean them up!!!!);....so bottom line, I'M DONE! No more Ms. Nice Gal! You mess with the bull, you get the horn!!!!
Well...I feel better now that I've vented. Think I'll go look over that fence now that I'm good and warmed up. Later....