Another note from my traveling cyclist friend today...
....... As planned today we visited the Roosevelt's estates, both Eleanor's and Franklin's. It took all day to see what was there. Tomorrow it's on to Hudson, NY, where we'll stay for the night. We're hoping for clear skies during our ride. We will spend five days in NYC after we finish our ride. We are due back in Brooklyn August 25th then we'll take in the sights of the big city. Actually we rode a portion of the Manhattan greenway trail along the west shoreline so technically we've been to Manhattan on the first leg of our ride. When we return to Brooklyn, we'll take the bikes to the bike shop to be shipped home. We'll explore Manhattan on foot and via subway. .......
I'm sure she'll have plenty of photos and tales to tell when she returns. What an adventure, huh?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My Hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a friend that I've written about here before. She's gone trans-continental on a bicycle four times. She's always doing something independent and important and exciting. I rode with her a couple of weeks ago and she told me she was going to go to New York for a month long bicycle ride. I just received the following email and thought I would share it will all of you. She's terrific!!!!!!!!! A very independent, strong woman! (The "Barbara" she refers to in the following email is a woman that she rode trans-continental with last summer.)
Hi Barbara,> > We are in Hyde Park, NY for tonight and tomorrow. We plan to see Eleanor Roosevelt's residence and also the FDR estate and museum. > I made the subway ride without incident. Actually a couple was very helpful when I needed to transfer. Barbara and I started our bike ride right from Adam and Victoria's apartment in Brooklyn. We had help from another bicyclist who commutes over the Brooklyn Bridge everyday. He showed us where to access the pedestrian portion of the bridge. We spent our first night in Fort Lee, NJ, just across the Hudson (we rode over the George Washington Bridge at the end of the day). We stayed with Barbara's cousin who lives in Fort Lee near the bridge. Our second night was spent in Fort Montgomery, NY, where we found a B&B (circa 1751). We thought there was camping available near there, but found out differently. It was raining anyway, so we were glad to have a dry place. We don't move very fast on this trip. Our daily mileage has been 28, 40, and 44. We stop a lot and we've gone off route a couple times. Today we spent an hour at a farmer's market. So much Revolutionary War history here. We plan to go north along the Hudson then pick up the Erie Canal route west and meet another bicyclist. She may ride with us into Adirondack State Park for a few days. > Keep in touch. > Carol
She Is Woman...Hear Her ROAR!!!! You Go, Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh...yeah...and she's 66 years young too!!!
Hi Barbara,> > We are in Hyde Park, NY for tonight and tomorrow. We plan to see Eleanor Roosevelt's residence and also the FDR estate and museum. > I made the subway ride without incident. Actually a couple was very helpful when I needed to transfer. Barbara and I started our bike ride right from Adam and Victoria's apartment in Brooklyn. We had help from another bicyclist who commutes over the Brooklyn Bridge everyday. He showed us where to access the pedestrian portion of the bridge. We spent our first night in Fort Lee, NJ, just across the Hudson (we rode over the George Washington Bridge at the end of the day). We stayed with Barbara's cousin who lives in Fort Lee near the bridge. Our second night was spent in Fort Montgomery, NY, where we found a B&B (circa 1751). We thought there was camping available near there, but found out differently. It was raining anyway, so we were glad to have a dry place. We don't move very fast on this trip. Our daily mileage has been 28, 40, and 44. We stop a lot and we've gone off route a couple times. Today we spent an hour at a farmer's market. So much Revolutionary War history here. We plan to go north along the Hudson then pick up the Erie Canal route west and meet another bicyclist. She may ride with us into Adirondack State Park for a few days. > Keep in touch. > Carol
She Is Woman...Hear Her ROAR!!!! You Go, Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh...yeah...and she's 66 years young too!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Excitement on the Bike Path
This morning I got out about 7 to do my bicycle ride. Once on the bike path it was pretty solitary. Just east of Lorraine Street, I heard a crack and looked to my right...there stood what turned out to be a Mama Deer. There was about a 4 foot welded-wire type fence in between where she was and where I was....but on my side of the fence stood a baby! Still covered with little white spots. I didn't want to scare it and have it plow into the fence and get caught or something so I just slowed way down and kept moving.
When I reached 30th Street I turned around to come back. Within a short distance I met a guy I know on a recumbent and asked if he'd seen the deer. He hadn't. So I continued on. Of course my negative brain was worrying about whether that baby could clear that fence and would the mother come back and somehow help it. Would it get dehydrated?
As I reached the point where they had been I saw that the baby was now on the other side of the fence...and there were two of, there are THREE of them...and the mother was still down the tree row a ways. I went on down to Lorraine Street and stopped and "played with" my cell phone / camera...I don't use it to take photos so am very unfamiliar with it. And, without reading glasses, I was having a rough time of it. Finally I managed to take a photo of the yield sign and decided that was good enough. So I turned around and headed back.
When I got back two of the babies were on my side of the fence, the mother was still grazing where she had been all along, and the third baby was still on the mother's side of the fence. I stopped completely, took a photo of the mother deer and was beginning to take other pictures. The mother, not in a frightened way at all, gently sprang into the trees behind her. I was still well aware that she was there and probably watching me closely....those are HER babies!
The two youngsters on my side of the fence evidently thought I was pretty funny looking and came walking up to me. They were within about 8 feet of me...just looking and checking me out...I was taking pictures. They went on past me and I didn't want them to go to Lorraine Street so I left and went back to 30th.
Again, turn around....went back. All three babies were back on the other side of the fence, Mom no where to be seen.
I managed to tell several of the morning "regulars" about the event and they were all going to watch to see if they could see them too.
Of course my pictures aren't great. It goes like this, "See those two little spots...those are the baby deer"...."That big spot in the mother deer".....and I don't know how or don't have the capability to download them to my computer. solution....I put the handlebar bag back on my bike. Got my regular camera ready to go for tomorrow! Hope I get to see them again before they lose their spots. They were soooooooooooo cute!!!!
On my eighth and final trip through that particular section of the path, in almost the same spot, there was what I would consider a LARGE snake with the front of his body about 15-18" out on the asphalt. He was probably about as big around as a silver dollar. (I told my sister about this, and she said, "What kind of snake?" "Snake....big enough I didn't need to know what kind!!!!!")
I also saw a fairly good sized turtle on the path. (No, I don't mean myself...even though I may be a little slow!)
I now really anxious to go tomorrow and see if I can get pictures of the deer. Deer aren't all that unusual of an occurrence around here, but it was just neat to see them and the fact that she had triplets was pretty cool!!!!
When I reached 30th Street I turned around to come back. Within a short distance I met a guy I know on a recumbent and asked if he'd seen the deer. He hadn't. So I continued on. Of course my negative brain was worrying about whether that baby could clear that fence and would the mother come back and somehow help it. Would it get dehydrated?
As I reached the point where they had been I saw that the baby was now on the other side of the fence...and there were two of, there are THREE of them...and the mother was still down the tree row a ways. I went on down to Lorraine Street and stopped and "played with" my cell phone / camera...I don't use it to take photos so am very unfamiliar with it. And, without reading glasses, I was having a rough time of it. Finally I managed to take a photo of the yield sign and decided that was good enough. So I turned around and headed back.
When I got back two of the babies were on my side of the fence, the mother was still grazing where she had been all along, and the third baby was still on the mother's side of the fence. I stopped completely, took a photo of the mother deer and was beginning to take other pictures. The mother, not in a frightened way at all, gently sprang into the trees behind her. I was still well aware that she was there and probably watching me closely....those are HER babies!
The two youngsters on my side of the fence evidently thought I was pretty funny looking and came walking up to me. They were within about 8 feet of me...just looking and checking me out...I was taking pictures. They went on past me and I didn't want them to go to Lorraine Street so I left and went back to 30th.
Again, turn around....went back. All three babies were back on the other side of the fence, Mom no where to be seen.
I managed to tell several of the morning "regulars" about the event and they were all going to watch to see if they could see them too.
Of course my pictures aren't great. It goes like this, "See those two little spots...those are the baby deer"...."That big spot in the mother deer".....and I don't know how or don't have the capability to download them to my computer. solution....I put the handlebar bag back on my bike. Got my regular camera ready to go for tomorrow! Hope I get to see them again before they lose their spots. They were soooooooooooo cute!!!!
On my eighth and final trip through that particular section of the path, in almost the same spot, there was what I would consider a LARGE snake with the front of his body about 15-18" out on the asphalt. He was probably about as big around as a silver dollar. (I told my sister about this, and she said, "What kind of snake?" "Snake....big enough I didn't need to know what kind!!!!!")
I also saw a fairly good sized turtle on the path. (No, I don't mean myself...even though I may be a little slow!)
I now really anxious to go tomorrow and see if I can get pictures of the deer. Deer aren't all that unusual of an occurrence around here, but it was just neat to see them and the fact that she had triplets was pretty cool!!!!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
When I was a freshman at Buhler High School (1958-59)...(oh, rest your brain...I'm 65!)...I had a good friend whose parents were missionaries in India. She was sometimes at school in Buhler and sometimes in India.
She gave several of her friends little ivory trinkets from time to time. I've kept this one for over 50 years!
That's a dime...a tiny dime...and the animals are hand-carved ivory. (Don't know what the restrictions on ivory were at that time.) Originally I think there were twelve animals, but now I'm down to only nine.
All the animals fit inside the little pepper seed with a carved ivory plug. I love this little memory...I truly find it "priceless!"
Most of these pictures aren't very clear but I simply can't get in close enough with my camera. To get close (at all) I have to put it on a setting that doesn't then the light isn't very good...and I don't dare take them outside to sunlight or they'd be gone with the wind, I'm sure.
The last picture especially is pretty blurry, but just trying to show the tiny-ness of even the pepper seed into which they all fit.
Thank you, Mary Ann....wherever you are.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Third Thursday - Hutchinson, Kansas
Every Third Thursday of each month, Downtown Hutchinson, Kansas dedicates itself to featuring Art and Live Music in stores and Galleries. Centered around the SoMa neighborhood, near B and Main Street, the event is free and open to all, and invites the community to indulge in the Fine and Performing Art Community of Hutchinson. Guest artists come in from all over the country, Art Exhibits rotate monthly, the Galleries and stores serve refreshments, and as always - the fabulous musicians entertain and amaze us with their talent.
The above content is copied directly from a website promoting Third Thursday in Downtown Hutchinson, Kansas. I have participated in this event at least six times, showing my sterling silver jewelry. I have also in the past done craft fairs and church fairs across the city...even across the state. I may be patting my own back but I feel that usually I'm welcome and "then some." Most - perhaps all - of the promoters of these events have thanked me for participating and invited me back. I always try to treat the promoters of these events with a gift - perhaps a chain or pair of earrings. If the event is sponsored by an organization, then if they are having a silent auction or raffle, I always give a piece of jewelry.
Last month at Third Thursday, Pat (a good friend who makes the Iris-folding greeting cards) and I set up outside of Hayes Home Furnishings. We'd been inside Hayes for several months and wanted to try attracting the street crowd. Well, it wasn't too successful for us; it was hot, hot, hot and windy, and when the sun began to go down, we were right in it! So this month we wanted someplace new.
Since most of the action tends to be further south on Main Street, we discussed some of the places down there. I stopped in at ********************** and the manager (?) was open and polite - even inviting Pat and I to set up within her store. Sounded ideal to both of us.
Today I went to take my table in early and as we chatted, she asked, "When do you find time to make your jewelry?" and when I responded that I don't make it, I buy it to resell, she was obviously upset. I asked, "Is that a problem somehow?", to which she responded, "Well... yes...." She told me that Third Thursday is ONLY for artists that make their goods and they (who knows who THEY are) try to discourage others.
Long story somewhat shorter, she finally said that since she had said I could set up in there that she guessed she'd have to let me set up, but that she'd put me somewhere other than where we had discussed....and I would need to use one of her tables (much smaller than mine) and that she really didn't want me to cover it with my black velvet cloth...she wants the table to show (although that's hard to accept, I understand she wants to sell the table, but it was no prize!)
That was about 1:30 pm I called Pat and told her that I didn't think I'd go. I'd decided earlier that if this manager person commented anymore to me about not being hand crafted I would just pack up and leave. The more I thought about it, I decided I don't want to go somewhere I'm not wanted. And, bluntly, my jewelry is has always done very well elsewhere....and I'm not NEARLY hungry enough to eat....uh....crow! Whether there would be a "vibe" there or not, I'm sure I would feel a vibe.
Since the above description of Third Thursday doesn't really say "It's gotta be hand-crafted!", and since I've participated in this event since before last Christmas and NO ONE has EVER made that comment to me, I feel that perhaps this particular person needs to check her thinking. My jewelry draws people in...that's what this is about: getting people to get out and shop the downtown area.
And toes got stepped on. But, more than that, if my jewelry isn't good enough to be displayed there, I guarantee you now my money will never be spent there!
I've known this person's family and background for many years. Believe me, honey, yours DOES stink even if you think it doesn't!!!!
The above content is copied directly from a website promoting Third Thursday in Downtown Hutchinson, Kansas. I have participated in this event at least six times, showing my sterling silver jewelry. I have also in the past done craft fairs and church fairs across the city...even across the state. I may be patting my own back but I feel that usually I'm welcome and "then some." Most - perhaps all - of the promoters of these events have thanked me for participating and invited me back. I always try to treat the promoters of these events with a gift - perhaps a chain or pair of earrings. If the event is sponsored by an organization, then if they are having a silent auction or raffle, I always give a piece of jewelry.
Last month at Third Thursday, Pat (a good friend who makes the Iris-folding greeting cards) and I set up outside of Hayes Home Furnishings. We'd been inside Hayes for several months and wanted to try attracting the street crowd. Well, it wasn't too successful for us; it was hot, hot, hot and windy, and when the sun began to go down, we were right in it! So this month we wanted someplace new.
Since most of the action tends to be further south on Main Street, we discussed some of the places down there. I stopped in at ********************** and the manager (?) was open and polite - even inviting Pat and I to set up within her store. Sounded ideal to both of us.
Today I went to take my table in early and as we chatted, she asked, "When do you find time to make your jewelry?" and when I responded that I don't make it, I buy it to resell, she was obviously upset. I asked, "Is that a problem somehow?", to which she responded, "Well... yes...." She told me that Third Thursday is ONLY for artists that make their goods and they (who knows who THEY are) try to discourage others.
Long story somewhat shorter, she finally said that since she had said I could set up in there that she guessed she'd have to let me set up, but that she'd put me somewhere other than where we had discussed....and I would need to use one of her tables (much smaller than mine) and that she really didn't want me to cover it with my black velvet cloth...she wants the table to show (although that's hard to accept, I understand she wants to sell the table, but it was no prize!)
That was about 1:30 pm I called Pat and told her that I didn't think I'd go. I'd decided earlier that if this manager person commented anymore to me about not being hand crafted I would just pack up and leave. The more I thought about it, I decided I don't want to go somewhere I'm not wanted. And, bluntly, my jewelry is has always done very well elsewhere....and I'm not NEARLY hungry enough to eat....uh....crow! Whether there would be a "vibe" there or not, I'm sure I would feel a vibe.
Since the above description of Third Thursday doesn't really say "It's gotta be hand-crafted!", and since I've participated in this event since before last Christmas and NO ONE has EVER made that comment to me, I feel that perhaps this particular person needs to check her thinking. My jewelry draws people in...that's what this is about: getting people to get out and shop the downtown area.
And toes got stepped on. But, more than that, if my jewelry isn't good enough to be displayed there, I guarantee you now my money will never be spent there!
I've known this person's family and background for many years. Believe me, honey, yours DOES stink even if you think it doesn't!!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Hi! I'm back.....
(you may want to read the second half of this blog first.)
My sweet potato vine (one of two) is doing pretty good...and so are these coral bells in the pot.

Out back where the "fishless pond" used to be.... More sweet potato plant and my hen and chicks...and one of my very favorite pampas grasses...a zebra grass. The stripes run horizontal across the leaves vs length-wise. I really like it a lot.

And elephant ears from last year's bulb....some over on the south side of the house also. Like this particular corner needed something else crowded into it???
And a few daisies and black-eyed Susans...and day lilies and hosta... I looked at that last posting...I realized how much easier and mosquito-free it would be if I could pull weeds within the photographs. You know, like photo-shop them out. Too much diet coke, ya think? Oh well................ have a good one...and don't let these humongus mosquitoes carry you off!!!!
I've addressed this to AskHutch in the newspaper....seems the city has decided not to spray for mosquitoes anymore...too expensive. Who paid for all those dirty, loud, trashy, stinky...need I go on....fireworks the other night? Not to mention the police and fire calls for the four days earlier of public shooting them off ! But we can't afford mosquito spray?
Priorities, people, priorities!!!!!!!!!
My sweet potato vine (one of two) is doing pretty good...and so are these coral bells in the pot.
Out back where the "fishless pond" used to be.... More sweet potato plant and my hen and chicks...and one of my very favorite pampas grasses...a zebra grass. The stripes run horizontal across the leaves vs length-wise. I really like it a lot.
And elephant ears from last year's bulb....some over on the south side of the house also. Like this particular corner needed something else crowded into it??? I looked at that last posting...I realized how much easier and mosquito-free it would be if I could pull weeds within the photographs. You know, like photo-shop them out. Too much diet coke, ya think? Oh well................ have a good one...and don't let these humongus mosquitoes carry you off!!!!
I've addressed this to AskHutch in the newspaper....seems the city has decided not to spray for mosquitoes anymore...too expensive. Who paid for all those dirty, loud, trashy, stinky...need I go on....fireworks the other night? Not to mention the police and fire calls for the four days earlier of public shooting them off ! But we can't afford mosquito spray?
Priorities, people, priorities!!!!!!!!!
I went by this gorgeous hibiscus earlier in the day and a few hours later went back to take a photo. Looks better at 30 mph...wanted to get out and remove the spent blooms but decided that probably wasn't my job! :) But it is loaded and just beautiful...even with the old blooms. To see it in person, drive down the 100 block of west 25th.
Then I'm just in a nature set of mind I guess. Came home and took photos of different plants around here.
Some I don't even know the names this vining white-frosted stuff...but I really like it. Last summer went to a garage sale..commented on this plant...lady said, "It grows over here from my neighbor's....pull some out if you want some!" So I did....I love it!
And this kind of weird stuff my friend Pat says is "Donkey's Tail"...or did she say "Burro's Tail"??? Anyway...I really like it a lot too.
And with the Donkey's Tail, Pat also gave me a healthy start of her hen and chicks...and now I have baby chicks popping out!!!
Hmmmm...well....just lost the rest of my I'll post this and "go get" the rest of them!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Road Work
On my way to Glenn's Bulk Foods and Stutzman's this morning I come upon this
caravan (?) of working vehicles. They are clearly resurfacing the highway...but
what are they doing that they are nearly stacked on each other.
The first picture I'm coming up to the construction area.
Second picture I've passed it and pulled off on a side road to the south to take photos.
Third picture I crossed over to the north and took more photos.
Fourth picture I'm driving by and you can see they are in very close proximity to
one another...with lots of smoke.
Monday, July 5, 2010
It Happens
There are only two or three human stories and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before. ...Willa Cather
Or, as someone dear to me said recently, "There is no new shit."
Or, as someone dear to me said recently, "There is no new shit."
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Progress at the Post Office
A friend of mine took this first photograph - September 21, 2009 - of damage at our local post office. I think someone plowed their car into it.
And this second photo I took yesterday morning....nearly 10 months later. I've seen people working there twice. I'll bet it's expensive to repair and with high labor costs. Federal project. Need I say more? Nice work if you can get it!
Fourth of July Weekend
Yeah...Fourth of July weekend...and the city of Hutchinson allows fireworks inside the city limits.
Clearly our city commissioners couldn't collectively "grow a pair" and say "NO" to this travesty. It's noisy, dirty, dangerous, ridiculous!
Pictures were taken this morning on the northeast bike path...and the housing in the background? Oh, that's low income housing...clearly they had money enough to blow on fireworks! And would have come from
And the third picture...that's at the north edge of a medium to low income neighborhood that abuts the bike path. Clearly people who respect the law and don't shoot off their fireworks on public property. Yeah, right.
I know, I my city commissioners...for what it's worth, I HAVE!!!! Until we start setting fireworks off in their front yards, we'll get nothing. Seems if it doesn't affect their comfort or their wallets negatively, then it's ok!
Ban tanning salons....but allow fireworks!!!!! For those of you who don't know me personally...I don't smoke and I don't tan in a tanning salon. seems to me we take away the rights of some idiots just to over-extend the rights to others!
I'm done.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Ebaying - I love it!
As many of you know, I'm an Ebayer! Have been for several years. It's just fun for me and sometimes I buy stuff and sometimes I sell stuff. Recently my sister came across these blocks or tiles and we decided to Ebay them. Originally she and her daughter had decided to throw them out, didn't think they were anything anybody wanted, but instead she brought them to me.

I started them on Ebay at $5.99 with $5.35 shipping. I was pleased when we got the first bid. I was delighted when the second bid took them to $6.49. But it would be hard to explain my emotion when they wound up selling for $26.99.
I posted lots (I think 12) photos. I stated they were very old and very worn. And yet, someone wanted them $32+ worth (with shipping.)
I added a note card to the package and hope the individual (who appears to be an antique dealer or at least knowledgable about such things) will email me and tell me WHAT they are!?!?! Do you have any ideas?
I'd listed them as Alphabet Blocks / Building Blocks. Someone said Game Tiles. I DUNNO!!! But, whatever they are, I'm delighted with my sale on Ebay.
I started them on Ebay at $5.99 with $5.35 shipping. I was pleased when we got the first bid. I was delighted when the second bid took them to $6.49. But it would be hard to explain my emotion when they wound up selling for $26.99.
I posted lots (I think 12) photos. I stated they were very old and very worn. And yet, someone wanted them $32+ worth (with shipping.)
I added a note card to the package and hope the individual (who appears to be an antique dealer or at least knowledgable about such things) will email me and tell me WHAT they are!?!?! Do you have any ideas?
I'd listed them as Alphabet Blocks / Building Blocks. Someone said Game Tiles. I DUNNO!!! But, whatever they are, I'm delighted with my sale on Ebay.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sydney J. Harris
Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
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