Being a bicycle rider for many years, occasionally I get leg cramps....usually after a ride or after too much standing on my feet for several hours. Recently a good friend who has done a LOT of riding (3 times transcontinental plus many many other distance rides) said she thought she'd found a "sure cure" for leg cramps. I've been trying it and it seems to work.
Last Thursday my sister from Joplin was here and we decided to go to Manhattan (about 140 miles) to see two of my cousins. One of them mentioned that she'd been having terrible leg cramps in the night...up sometimes 10 or 12 times per night. I mentioned the "cure" and my sister confirmed that's what she's used for a long time too.
So...if you have leg cramps, you might want to try this: Mix 2 or 3 teaspoons APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (not the "white" vinegar!) in about 1/3 of a cup of water...add a little honey or molasses or something to cut the taste. Drink it once or twice a day..every day. No more leg cramps. It works! An email (one of several) from my cousin this a.m. urged me to post this on my blog for others who might have the same problem. She said she's been tempted to stop complete strangers on the street to tell them...and she did just that at a local health food store!!! :)
OK....added cousin tells me she NEEDS 2 TABLESPOONS to keep her leg cramps at bay!!! AND...I also noticed that my "recipe" on the bottle says "2-3 times per day"....whatever works for YOU!
My sister has also used the apple cider vinegar pills...but Webmd says they aren't consistent in a lot of ways. I personally use Bragg's Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar...about $6 a quart here in Hutchinson....however, I don't think it's all that much better than just regular old apple cider vinegar from Walmart for a whole lot less money!
Then....for the rest of the Manhattan day trip. We visited my cousins and I brought home a really neat old boot scraper (I love rusty old iron antique-y stuff!!....not dirty boots!). Then we went out to the cemetary where my parents and a lot of other relatives are buried. Then we went up to Rocky Ford...just north of Manhattan in the Tuttle Cr
We walked down two flights of stairs to see the dam and then back up. I counted the second flight on the way back up. 35 steps. Other flight was at least that...maybe more. Old fat girls were huffin' and a puffin'!!! But it was great!
Later on I-70 we came by a Harley dealership that I'd seen earlier and I pulled over to take the shot. Isn't that cool??? That's just well-groomed shrubbery! Very nice!
Great Day!
Count your blessings...they're plentiful!