A month early!!! Newspaper cited several older farmers who said they've seen wheat harvest put off until Fourth of July because of too much moisture, but no one remembers harvesting before/on Memorial Day. The elevators were open here on Memorial Day. The harvest is ON!!!
I always used to relate wheat harvest to Biking Across Kansas (week June 12 falls in.) Usually they were about the same time...which made riding somewhat dangerous. For you non-Kansans, combines and wheat trucks are usually pretty big and pretty wide...and usually the combines have to be transported from cut to cut. And any good Kansan knows, whether you're in a truck, car, or on a bicycle: Custom cutters have the right-of-way!!! (Not meant to be snide!! Seriously, that's our bread [literally] and butter!!! Give 'em all they need in every way!)
Last evening we had storms. We really need moisture...although I'm sure most wheat farmers would heartily disagree right now. I know there were a lot of reports of hail and that along with heavy rain and winds up to 70 miles per hour are NOT good for wheat harvest. Muddy fields, wet wheat, downed wheat...booooooo!!!
But this morning is beautiful....very cool and a little windy...but Carol and I got out and did a few miles. Not many as the north wind is stout...but I had to have at least 8.16 miles to finish May. I got 13.17....so I now have 1005.01 miles for the first five months of the year. Not terrific...but for me, it's fantastic!!!! I'm happy!!
Count your blessings and enjoy life!!!