Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pictured above is what makes me smile...usually. This week's been a little rough for her. Had a bad experience with fleas from the X-groomer's... among other grooming "errors"... but usually she's what makes me smile. She's a clown...and is aware and proud of it! In 4 1/2 years we've never had a flea, but this week she had a total of 6, and they chewed her to pieces!!! Partially my fault: I've always let the Frontline go 6 weeks in between applications (as she's groomed every 6 weeks)...and this time it didn't work. The other grooming errors were that her ears weren't plucked and even had wax in them, and just all in all a really crummy grooming job. Pads of feet weren't cleaned, tummy and rear end wasn't shaved, toenails were left too goes on!!! The ears and the toenails were items I mentioned before that had been overlooked. Well....last time.... I've changed groomers!!!! Tuesday of last week: $27 to the x-groomer, $36 for 3 months Frontline, $32 for 20 lbs. Science Diet. Friday of last week: $61 to my vet for medication for the flea bites. Tuesday of this week: $20 to my new (really re-newed) groomer. She's calm, clean, and much happier now. And so am I.
We take a little walk nearly every evening. This evening it was blowing like crazy and getting pretty cool....but she wanted to walk. Cracks me up: We go three or four blocks and she's just trottin' along and happy with the world. Then we turn the corner onto "the home stretch" and she realizes where we're at and starts dragging her feet. I have to coax her the rest of the way...usually offer chicken or treats of some sort. She's little...but she'd walk a lot further if she had her way!
Anyway...she's what makes me smile. The "Donald Trump" look is one of my favorite shots of her.

1 comment:

Patsy Terrell said...

I'm not a dog owner, but I do have a friend who's a groomer and absolutely adores pups of all kinds. House of Canine if you need a backup. :)