Thursday - Thanksgiving - I had been invited to several different places (Lee & Mary Lou's, Wes & Mary's, Leroy & Melinda's, and to my son's in Denton, Texas). With some discussion, J (my son) and I decided it would be foolish for me to drive there for one day. He had to work Weds., Fri., Sat., we're planning on being together at Christmas. While I truly appreciated everyone's offers, I chose to stay home, cook a little turkey and just kind of do my own thing. I've been single going on 23 years now, and sometimes I like my own company. So I slept in (not unusual - I see no reason to get up before the sun does!) and about 9:00 decided I should probably go put the turkey in the oven. Since it's just me, I don't have to make sure it's done by 12 noon or any specific time. As I was removing the plastic wrap from the turkey, J called. After answering the phone, I continued to remove the neck and giblets from the body, rinse the turkey, and put it into a baking bag (only way to go!). The oven was pre-heating so when I had it all ready, I put it into the oven. J and I continued to talk...and talk....and talk. We always seem to have a lot to say! Well, pretty soon I walked by the oven and opened the door just to see "how's it goin' in there?" The button had popped up!!!! The turkey was done!!! We had talked for over 2 hours and 20 minutes!!! I let it cook for a while longer while I fixed some sweet potatoes with oranges (and brown sugar and marshmallows), and crescent rolls, and a pumpkin roll cake that is decadent!!! (And now GONE!) Did you see veggies mentioned there? Hmmmmm.... how 'bout the sweet potatoes, don't those count? Olives..I had olives too...I think they're veggies! I had the stuff to make cole slaw and was going to, but then decided I was going to have way too much to eat anyway...why fill up the spaces with greenery!?!?! (Don't bother answering that...I know!!!) Anyway, my Thanksgiving was very pleasant and quiet and enjoyable.
The days following were filled with more turkey, and more pumpkin cake! (In fact today -Tuesday - I had some leftover turkey and noodles that I made yesterday.)
Today is gorgeous. I'd planned to take a bike ride, but yesterday Schiz and I went for a pretty long walk (probably about a mile - not that long- but she has short legs!). Anyway, don't know whether I got into some weeds or what, but I spent most of last night coughing. And coughing. And coughing. Finally, this a.m. I got up and got a few good swigs of my medicine: Diet Coke! Nothing cuts the "crud" like Diet Coke! Feel just fine now except that my sinuses are still running like crazy. So I called and begged off on the bike ride.
And I began working on my "anteroom"'s a little room between the sunroom and the garage and the kitchen. Is good for absolutely nothing. I wanted to try a faux technique on it, so I'd stripped off any of the tight wallpaper. (I'm sure you're supposed to take it ALL off, but I want the texture bumpy and rough, so what's the point?) I put wallpaper paste on the wall, then applied pieces of crinkled tissue paper and mashed it down with more

Ok...well, then I decided I needed a little fresh air so Schiz and I went out in the back yard. Now, my throat and head may be a little "clogged", but I decided that tomorrow the poly cart goes and it was nearly I mowed...mainly to gather the leaves. The only good news: the sycamore is in the front yard and these leaves were mainly from the neighbor's cottonwood and my Bradford pear and little crabapple tree. I mowed only the backyard. Now I'm resting, I guess.
Well, I think I'm all caught up on my news. more thing...if you're not reading Patsy Terrell's "Patsy's Ponderings" or "The Lope", you're really missing some great writing and incredible photography! I'm spending a lot of my free time reading back a couple of years on both of those. Greg is a fantastic photographer! and
Well.... later... fun chatting with ya!
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