I'm almost hesitant to write this today. It's a "very happy ending" story at this point, and I'd hate to somehow change that. I'll tell this story without names or addresses.
In about November 2007 (before the nasty ice storm we had here in December 2007), a friend of mine told me of a small dog that she kept seeing near her home. She lives several miles from town on a dirt road. She and I talked many times of going out and trying to catch this little fellow. It was a cold winter and he was very small. We feared
he'd either freeze, starve, or the coyotes would get him. Anytime anyone tried to get near him however, he'd run off. After the big ice storm and so much cold weather, I think everyone figured he didn't make it. I'd thought of him several times and regretted that we didn't try harder....I was sure he was dead.

About four weeks ago my friend told me that the neighbor woman had put a little box-type bed on a back porch of a vacated mobile home. She'd gone out the night before, and without even a flashlight to look first, she ran her hand into the box....and there was the dog!!! All the neighbors had been leaving food and water out for him, trying to keep him alive and maybe catch him. But this woman WON! She called my friend and the very next day delivered him to her door. A trip to the vet provided a little more information. He's probably about 10 years old, probably at least part Yorkie, and losing his sight. His eyes are clouded, a fairly common problem for Yorkies. This little guy, now known as Bentley, has no idea (or maybe he does) how lucky he is. The people who have adopted him are absolutely the kindest, most dog-loving people in the world. Bentley lives inside, in the warm, sleeps on the bed with his new owners and another canine friend. He'll get all the medical attention he ever needs. And he will and does get all the love he's ever deserved. He's just the sweetest little guy you can imagine. He walks like he's afraid he may offend someone, but really seems to respond with love when you talk to him.
Back to why I'm hesitant to post this: if he was dumped by some cruel person they should never have him (or any animal) again. But, if he was lost from a caring home, they didn't look long enough!!! He was out there on his own...10-11 pounds of the sweetest little baby...cold..hungry...in danger of being eaten by coyotes...for over a year!!! Just know that he's got the best home he's EVER had...that's why no names, no location. Here's Bentley:

Welcome Home, Bentley!!!!
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