Happy May Day!!!
Back in the old days, when I was a kid (when Bully was a calf) we used to take May baskets filled with flowers and candies to friends' houses and knock/ring the bell and run away. So this morning I took this cute little crocheted basket that I bought at a garage sale a week ago, filled it with a few pieces of peppermint, stuck an iris in the top of it (only thing I have currently blooming other than chives)...but then I called
Patsy and told her I was bringing it over. I didn't ring and run! We had a very brief but pleasant visit, and it was just a fun moment or two. I've already told Patsy this so I'm not divulging any dark secrets, but I only gave a dime for that little basket. The garage sale people had a big box full of these and little parasols for ten cents each. Isn't it a shame that someone obviously spent hours on these adorable little things and now they're being sold for a dime each? But, being the buyer, I was delighted! I immediately thought of Patsy when I saw it. It's her "kind of stuff"!! And, I got to see her MANY plants that she has started inside (and so far has refused to introduce to the wonderful Kansas weather - Today, May 1 - 48 degrees...kind of cold, pretty windy, very little sunshine, maybe rain later....Hello, Kansas!...but I wouldn't even consider living anywhere else!!!) And then we did a little tour of her front yard looking at the many plants she's put there. And THEN, she gave me two purple zinnias to plant. I plant zinnias every year...I really like them a lot...and I've planted some this year. They're up and
minuscule!!! The ones Patsy gave me actually look like plants! I've got a special place all planned out for them.
Segue to garage sales.....last week I went garage
saling. I love garage sales! One person's trash is another guy's treasure!!! Last week I bought a 4' x 2' kind of bean-shaped hard plastic pool liner...the kind you see at Lowe's and Home Depot?? I gave $3 for it. Then I went to E
bay and bought a fountain pump for $4 so I can have a little waterfall. I've got my sister collecting Missouri rocks for me and another friend is going to bring me some shale rocks from his ranch down by Howard, Kansas. All I need to do is dig up the zebra grass, build that area up and support it, dig a hole for the pool and line it with sand to keep it level etc. and rig up the wiring, then put the rocks around it and plants....sometimes I wonder why I do these things. I have decided I won't put fish in it. I did that a few years ago and would bring the fish in during the winter. And the fish would die...and the water would get mucky...and once it grew little scaly things on the fish. All in all, not a good situation...for the fish or me! So no fish, just plants around it. And I can rinse it out or pour bleach in it or a chlorine tablet and not worry about killing the fish.
I went garage
saling again today. I bought a gopher (like the one in
Caddyshack) that is battery powered...either to give to my sister or tease the dog with...for $1
I bought a stuffed limp Eeyore for
Schiz (my dog)...because she's spoiled rotten and only has 6,000,000 toys and needed one more - a quarter.
I bought a leather horse for $1...that I think I may E
bay...or give to my cousin who's a horse enthusiast! It really IS neat!
I bought a vest for a quarter.
I bought a box fan that seems to work perfectly for $1. It's for my sister.
Like I said, I really enjoy garage
saling. The gal I bought my car from wanted a vest similar to one I was wearing when I bought the car and I found her one for $1. She then said she'd just give me a list of stuff to watch for that she wants! Ha-ha! I'm already shopping for a dozen other people. Sure glad Zippy gets such good gas mileage!
I took supper (chicken and noodles) to my friend Sherrie earlier today who just had surgery and has only been home about a week. She's doing very well, but still has quite a ways to go. She'll soon start 6 months of chemo. Sherrie's one of the sweetest, genuinely good, nicest gals in the world. Please include her, as I have, in your prayers.
On that note...I think I need to go raid the refrigerator or something!