This lovely bouquet was given to me last Friday by my friend Pat. She brought my sister and me each a beautiful sweet. Thank you, Pat!!!!
Then these hostas are coming up great again this year. This house "came with" some
really nice hosta plants. Big hostas!!! I don't know what the other plant in the picture
is but it looks like a geranium...however, they come back every year even though
they're left outside year-round. Have tall, spindly pretty little pink bell-like flowers
And this is one of the 34 or so cannas that are coming up. (I planted 71!) They're doing GREAT!!! Hope they continue to crowd their way into the world...they aren't exactly planted in the best possible places.
And this is my TODAY'S JOY!!!!!!
This is the elephant ear that is planted in that pot with the plastic over it in my last blog. The one my sister asked if I was trying to cook it. They're supposed to be jungle plants
and it evidently liked the moist, warm environment....because today.....
See that itty-bitty yellowish-white nubbin....that's an elephant ear!! There are several planted in this watch for further updates as birth occurs!
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