Ever have one of those days...it starts out wrong and you're sure it's gonna get worse. Well...here's how mine started out!!! That's a Corelle by Corning bowl...nearly unbreakable so they say! Well, put a little canned dog food in it, drop it from about three feet onto a tile floor (of course, with the dog standing close by anxiously awaiting her breakfast!)...and it shattered EVERYWHERE!!!! I even had pieces under the stove drawer, on the basement stairs, everywhere!
The second picture is to show you how big the original bowl was...small...and that's what I swept up after I'd picked up most of the pieces with dogfood on them.
I was sure the day was doomed to be a disaster...but so far, so good. It kind of "got me started" I guess! I swept the kitchen floor and vacumned it, then scrubbed it (all the while listening to Schiz growl and whine because I'd blocked her from coming in there!) Then I fed her...and since I already had the sweeper out...and the sun was shining and I could see how much cotton had built up on my window screens, I started taking screens down and running the sweeper on them. Then on the rest of the house. Decided the living room and dining room tables needed some Liquid Gold treatment. Then someone called and I needed to go run an errand, so grabbed a quick shower and headed out. Got back home in about an hour, decided to trim the bushes all around the yard...which means cleaning up the mess afterwards. Cleaned it up, still messy...so decided to mow...which is preceded by edging....which is followed by cleaning the swimming pool. Someone once told me "if it blows across the yard, it WILL blow into the pool." I thought from one side or another...NO...from ALL sides! Pool is 75 degrees today...pretty chilly...but I even managed to get in for a brief time! Then back in for my second shower of the day...and now I'm clean and sleepy!
But...so far....no more "disasters!" No, I don't really think breaking one of Schiz's bowls is a disaster.....and she really doesn't! She'd much, much rather I just put it on the floor and she'll eat it from there! Goofy Dog!