Yesterday was a pretty hectic day. My son, who moved to Hutchinson from Texas about a month ago, started having a toothache Tuesday evening. By Wednesday evening he was in true misery. Yesterday morning he looked like he was holding a golf ball in his cheek. (I really wanted a picture for my blog, but ABSOLUTELY NOT!) I called my dentist - who's in Missouri (long story!) - and we made a quick trip to Missouri. He's somewhat better today, with a couple of prescriptions and another appointment later this month to have a wisdom tooth removed.
We left Hutch about 7:30 a.m. and pulled up to the dentist's office at 12:45 p.m. Solid stops other than one very quick gas fill-up. He got right in to see the doctor...and then spent over an hour at their local Wal-Mart trying to get the rx's filled! (This would require another rant and I'm just not up for it today!). Headed back, stopped in Joplin to pick up some burgers and fries and drinks at Freddie's...eating in the car and driving down the back to Hutch at 8:00 p.m. LONG day!!! But things are better today...with a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
I love my little Honda Fit Sport...and my son supplied a lot of input and advice and encouragement that I should buy one...I absolutely love it. Got over 40 mpg yesterday....however, my son's no longer as fond of it. Seems that to buzz around town, run errands, it may be fine, but for a long road trip and he's about 6'4" tall, he was getting a little cramped. It does have lots of head room, but he couldn't get his legs quite as comfortable as he wanted. He thought maybe the shorter wheelbase was causing him a little carsickness....I think he had "other issues" (like a major, banging toothache caused by a lot of infection!)
And so today starts a long weekend for most people. I personally am going to stay in when it's hot, get on a floater in the pool for awhile each day if weather permits, and pretty much try to do nothing. Last night the neighborhood was full of fireworks and noise. So maybe early one morning I'll go out and mow! Ooops...didn't I say I don't have the energy for a rant today?....sorry. Hope your 4th is spent in an enjoyable way...with friends, family, or whatever/whoever pleases you. Stay safe...and don't forget to count your blessings!!
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