Ok...last Saturday the neighbor south of me had a garage sale. I love garage sales...unless they're in MY neighborhood!!!! Yes...I go to garage sales...but I don't turn around in someone else's driveway, I don't walk on ANYBODY'S grass, I don't have 17 bratty kids that are everywhere but where they should be...need I go on? Well, so that was last Saturday...
Guess what? The house 2 doors south of me had a garage sale today! No one lives there...no one has lived there for at least 3 1/2 years...but someone had access and had a garage sale today. And everyone tried to turn around in my driveway.
I left for awhile, and when I came back someone had pulled clear up to my garage doors and left diesel or oil or something trailing up and back on my driveway. Nearly a solid stream.
I'd bought a small plant to add to a planter on the front porch and as I was standing right there, some carload of jerks pulled into my drive to turn around. I looked up and said loudly, "This isn't a turn-around!" Stooge continued to turn around. Two minutes later some big bus (like the RCAT bus but without any name on it) did the same thing. Then I decided to clean up the oil in my driveway and I'm in the driveway with oil-dry and a broom and a car starts to turn in. I said, "No, not here...not a turnaround!" They went on to the house north of me. See that big parking lot across the street...empty church parking
So I decided I'd had enough....and I found some concrete blocks and some fence slats and built a block across the end of my driveway. Several people started to turn in (I was out washing my car) and then went on to someone else's
Finally the sale was over, the mess was cleaned up, and everyone left. I took the blockade down and all was peaceful at last. Then I start hearing car doors.
First picture is straight out my driveway. Second picture is off my porch and slightly to the south. Third picture is south to show that there are NO cars parked in front of the house south of me. And ALL of these vehicles are at that house. WHY are they parked in front of my house? I don't know. My theory is that they are all so damned stupid that if they park in front of the house they won't be able to see the house and they might not be able to find it. Beats me!
I considered kicking on the sprinklers but I've already done that earlier during the garage sale. I guess it's a public street and I can't do anything about it...but I'm hoping somehow just one of these people stumble onto my blog and recognize their vehicle and tell the others how I feel.
Three cars in their driveway, six cars on the street. And not one in front of the house they are visiting. AMAZING!!!!! (That 's a whole lot nicer word than the one I'm actually using!)