Last night showed stump to son and said, "I need that removed."
"Ok...but you don't have anymore room in the polycart."
" week sometime is ok."
Today...I had time on my hands. Polycart picker-upper doesn't go til about noon. I started pitchforking and digging with shovel. Resorted to small hatchet to cut some of the roots. By the time I hauled the stump and roots to the polycart, I could hear the truck over on the street behind I was hurrying!!! I swung that dead carcass up on the top of the heap, came in to wipe the sweat that was burning my eyes, and sighed with relief that no one saw me. What a mess!! I was a dark brownish red!!! Heat and dirt and a little suntan...and totally slimy with sweat!!!
Then I filled in with dirt and started moving the big white planter that was on the opposite side of the pool. I rolled and lifted and cussed it around to where I wanted it. I still have two large rocks that I want over there...but that's not for me...that'll have to be my son. And then I also need to decide what I'm going to plant in that planter. It had tomatoes in it last year, but I'm thinking probably either some zebra grass or some other kind of pampas grass.
I'm thinking most of the yard is under control - well, the really big stuff. I need to apply some weed killer (I put on Scott's with crabgrass control about a month ago - but I still have dandelions and chickweed, etc.) and I may yet change my little fish-less pond. Oh well....another day.
When I first saw the dead bush, I thought it was the forsythia!
Nope...forsythia is on the other side of the pool pump and a/c area. This one - whatever it was - never bloomed...and it "got a worm" last year and even though I treated it, it just didn't return this year.
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