A broad collection of random thoughts and ideas, usually driven by boredom and too much chocolate and/or diet coke. Humorous, serious, interesting, boring, divulging, venting, angry, odd, amusing, helpful (or not)...and more. You never know what you'll get here! It's been said: If it crosses my mind, it'll come out my mouth! (Or in this case, the ends of my fingers!) I refuse to be prim and proper, so be prepared to possibly be offended occassionally. With that....welcome!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Tired Pup
Yesterday was "groomer day" for Schiz. After we got home, she crashed. She's normally on the back of a chair by the window, watching for walkers...but not yesterday. I was upstairs in the loft, looked over to see where she was, and this was my view. She's clear over on her side...sound asleep! And this morning, she's "full of it"...clearly rested and ready to roar! She's got a birthday coming up next Sunday, the 27th. She'll be 7 years old...oops, not supposed to tell a lady's age, I guess.
Beautiful weather here..especially for February. Can only hope it'll be kind throughout the rest of the winter months. Last Wednesday the weather people were telling we'd had a 95 degree temperature swing in 7 days....from -17 to 78 in one week! Like they say here in Kansas...if you don't like the weather, wait a minute! How true!
Count your blessings...I do...and I think probably even Schiz does!! She's a happy girl!
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