Today Carol and I took in the Sunflower Cluster dog show held at the Kansas Coliseum near Wichita. It's a four day event put on by the Salina, Wichita, and Hutchinson kennel clubs. I think this was a first "in-person" dog show for Carol, and it had been several years (about 20-25??) since I'd been to one. We had a great time!!
We got acquainted with quite a few breeds and both of us gained knowledge. We watched a lot of obedience work (my old favorite) and several of the breed rings...of course, Dobermans (my old love.)
This gorgeous gentleman, Marshall, a Bernese Mountain Dog, acquired enough points to finish his championship today. (That's a cool wet chamois on his hind quarters..not shaved or anything!)
However....earlier in the day Carol and I had stopped and chatted at length with a woman with the most gorgeous, HUGE...123 lbs. of HUGE...Bernese Mountain Dog. "Indy" had taken Best of Breed yesterday...and turned out he took it again today. He's already a champion and goes in under a "Specials" class.
As I said, we had met his Mom earlier in the day and watched several other conformation rings and obedience rings, then went back by that area just as the Berners were being judged. So we stuck around. At one point, Indy needed to be groomed a little so I held his leash while Mom groomed. She turned her back and of course, he decided to lie down. I kept his front end up but he managed to get his hind quarters on the ground. When a 123 lb. critter that I don't know wants to do something, I'm probably not the person that should be holding the leash! So...after another round of quick grooming, she asked Carol to hold Indy's 8-month old niece while she took Indy over to the handler. She handed me a chunk of bait and said, "Here....keep her your fingers!" Hellooooo.... actually it was never a long as one doesn't mind watching your entire hand being inhaled!
But I think Carol was falling in love...and I think the pup was too! I've kicked myself that I didn't get a good photo of Indy, as he did wind up taking Best of Breed again today.
We got acquainted with quite a few breeds and both of us gained knowledge. We watched a lot of obedience work (my old favorite) and several of the breed rings...of course, Dobermans (my old love.)
This gorgeous gentleman, Marshall, a Bernese Mountain Dog, acquired enough points to finish his championship today. (That's a cool wet chamois on his hind quarters..not shaved or anything!)
As I said, we had met his Mom earlier in the day and watched several other conformation rings and obedience rings, then went back by that area just as the Berners were being judged. So we stuck around. At one point, Indy needed to be groomed a little so I held his leash while Mom groomed. She turned her back and of course, he decided to lie down. I kept his front end up but he managed to get his hind quarters on the ground. When a 123 lb. critter that I don't know wants to do something, I'm probably not the person that should be holding the leash! So...after another round of quick grooming, she asked Carol to hold Indy's 8-month old niece while she took Indy over to the handler. She handed me a chunk of bait and said, "Here....keep her your fingers!" Hellooooo.... actually it was never a long as one doesn't mind watching your entire hand being inhaled!
But I think Carol was falling in love...and I think the pup was too! I've kicked myself that I didn't get a good photo of Indy, as he did wind up taking Best of Breed again today.
The Berners' mom thanked us several times for helping her out...and we thanked her right back for letting us. It was an up close and in person adventure. FUN!
Also I got acquainted with a Lowchen...had to ask what it was...nice small-medium dogs. Also had a great encounter with a beautiful Bouvier des Flandres. I had always been under the impression they were not particularly friendly. Conversation with the owner was enlightening. She breeds for temperament....and obviously was having good success. Her dog was charming! And beautiful!
Also gathered some information on English Springer Spaniels for a friend of a friend looking for a quality puppy.
It's been over 25 years since I shown a dog (Doberman) in obedience...and a lot has really changed. However, watching today, I would love to do it all again. One of the nicest things: to be shown in Obedience, Agility, or Herding classes....they do NOT have to be registered breeds. So....adopt a rescue dog and have a ball! Sure is tempting....hmmmmmm.
Great day...great friend...great fun! And tomorrow supposed to be nice and we plan to get in another ride. Did a little over 25 miles yesterday and it looked like it could open up and pour on us at any second...but it didn't! Hurrah!
Count your blessings...enjoy only go round once! And watch out for the Easter bunny...he's out delivering, ya know!!! Happy Easter!
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