Well, it's baaccckkkk!!!! Evidently February is a little too early to call Spring. We're about 30 degrees cooler today...not exactly COLD, it's upper 30's/lower 40's...but after the past few days of 70 degree temps, it's a little hard to like.
I met an old friend, Barbara, at Allie's Deli yesterday for lunch. We were there for over two hours.. absolutely great conversation. She's a retired real estate agent that I've either bought from or involved in my buying of the last four houses I bought. And also in selling three of those! (I'm still living in House #4.) I met her several years ago at an open house and we became instant friends. Her husband was involved in a pretty severe car accident a couple of years ago and she feels she needs to be home more now, so she's retired. We hadn't had lunch together in quite a while and boy, did we ever catch up! It was fun! We plan to try to do it again in 3 or 4 weeks and I'm sure looking forward to it.
Then today I was going to meet Patsy at Roy's Barbeque for lunch, but when I got there, a big sign in the window said "CLOSED FOR VACATION - BACK MARCH 3".... so we wound up going to Fraese Drug for lunch. I know the woman that cooks there and had heard it's really good...and it is. I really had my mouth set for Roy's, but Fraese was a good second choice. Greg and Sharon joined us as well, and it was great conversation as well as very good food. Another fun day!
Today is also Schiz' fifth birthday...that's "THE DOG" in case you don't remember. She had pure chicken meat for breakfast (no Science Diet)...then mid-afternoon she had chopped up chicken in her Science Diet
(normal)...two tiny pieces of a Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll (guess who ate the rest...and yes, I know, dogs aren't supposed to have chocolate), and just a few minutes ago a couple of tiny pieces of peppermint candy (she loves it!). It's her birthday...so she's spoiled a little. But I'll have you know, it's NOT just on her birthday...it's EVERY day that she's spoiled. She expects it, she demands it, and much like her owner, is worth it! HA! And it appears it's pretty hard work being this spoiled and 5 years old. Happy Birthday, Schiz!!!!