Tuesday my sister, Jude came from Joplin, and we went to Wichita that afternoon to go "rock" shopping. She makes jewelry and needed more settings and stones.In mid-March she and I are going to share a booth at the Hutchinson News' Monster Garage Sale. My friend, Pat, who makes gorgeous creative cards may join us in the booth as well. Between the three of us, we should have a good time...and hopefully we'll all be filthy rich when we leave there that day! Yeah, right!
Then on April 3rd I'm going to host a "Come and Go Party" where Jude and Pat and I will all be displaying "our wares." I have a list of 80-some people to invite...hoping to get at least 20 to actually drop by. If you want on the list, please email me at b_robinson@cox.net and I'll be sure to email you back with address and time. I'll tell you right up front, if you wear jewelry or send cards, you'd be hard-pressed to find better prices than these. If you know me, you know I like a bargain...and this stuff is ALL a good bargain!!!
My friend, Mary Lou was in the hospital most of last week with pneumonia...she's home now but still recuperating. Patsy is doing absolutely wonderful and out and about pretty much full time. However, I heard from another friend of mine, Marilyn, who took the wrong way off the curb at Chili's and broke her hip and had to have a total hip replacement. She said she's now home, using a walker, and feeling very old! Hang in there, Marilyn!!
And about this weather! My ex used to always say that for every winter day we get like these, it's just one less day of snow and ice. It has been absolutely gorgeous here. I know we need moisture, but wow, what a nice winter! I saw in Patsy's blog that she already has crocus blooming. Where I lived before I always had lots of little flower starting to spring up early (nothing to do with me, the lady before me had planted them!). That just seems like such a sure sign of spring. And I've been noticing more geese flying south again...that's good too!
This is a fern that someone convinced me to bring in last fall. I didn't want to, I knew it was a mistake...but I brought it in. It has spent the winter dropping little golden needles that nearly refuse to be picked up by the sweeper,
Ok..Patsy, if and when you read this...Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!! Why is part of this underlined and part isn't and how do I fix it????
1 comment:
open it in "edit post" and highlight the whole thing... then hit the underline button... then hit it again and it will all be undone :)
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