But, just to bring you up to date, everyone of the "sickies" is doing absolutely wonderful. My cousin's daughter is doing fine, my other cousin's husband is doing absolutely great I hear, and I personally have seen and spent time with Patsy and she's doing incredibly well. I took Patsy to the doctor day before yesterday to have her sutures (staples) removed. She doesn't even walk like she's had surgery or any pain whatsoever. She goes up and down her front porch steps (about 4 or 5 steps)...no big deal!!! She was a little concerned about having the staples removed, but said afterwards only one or two twinged a little.
I had asked her a couple of computer questions on the way to the clinic, and so after her "unstapling", she suggested that we come over to my house and she'd show me how to do some of the things I'd asked about. WOW!!! It's great to have a computer-savvy friend! She cleaned up my favorites list, and gained me some speed, and suggested other changes I could do to get even more speed (which I'm still considering), but maybe best of all, she showed me how in insert pictures in my blog and know where and why they'd show up. She gave me a basic lesson on html language. (I'm sure it was a basic, basic, basic "html for real dumb dummies" lesson). But I honestly felt like I learned a bunch! Now I need to practice some of it in order to remember it.
Here will be my first attempt: This is to show you how very dry it's been here...we've had a little (usually referred to by the weather-guesser as "a trace") of moisture...but just check out Schiz' tail!
I swear I never did anything to it...she merely walked out, hopped into the car, and this is what it looked like. And I am a kind person....I DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH HER NOSE!!!!
On to other thoughts: Mary Lou and I plan to go to the Picasa3 class at the Hutchinson Public Library tomorrow. Hope we learn alot. I attended several different classes there and afterwards always think how helpful they were. I'm already using Picasa3, but certainly can afford more instructions! Hutchinson Public Library offers free classes in many different computer programs: Intro to Microsoft Word, Intro to the Internet, Intro to Excel, Basic Microsoft Excel, Internet Safety, Basic Training A and B : Computer Skills for Beginners, Beyond the Basics, Intro to Burning CD's, Intro to Yahoo, Buying on Ebay, Selling on Ebay, Intro to Blogging, Working with Digital Images, and many, many more. Each class offers not only the instructions and supervision, but also intelligent, computer-savvy Kristine is there to help you individually. The list of offered classes is available either at the library or I believe the second Wednesday of the month it's published in the Hutch News.
I guess I'm always somewhat amazed at people who won't take advantage of free knowledge. For 19 years I worked for a company that offered to pay 80% of books and tuition if you took a college class (whether it was job-related or not) and received a grade of C or above. That company had about 65 employees at that time, and rarely did we have anyone take advantage of that offer. Personally, I did! I really did!! I started and completed my Associate's Degree totally on their (80%) money! And, for what it's worth, I advanced in my job because of it! And while I said 80%...it wasn't at all unusual to be able to sell your books back and get the other 20% covered too.
Well, I've covered about all the news I can...just not much happening here. Schiz and I walk daily when the weather allows...which it really has been great here lately. It's still kind of windy for me to want to go bike riding....'course, it's not windy in the basement, I could go ride that trainer..........yeah, right! That's all for now....stay healthy!
1 comment:
I was happy I could help with some computer things. They're wonderful tools (and toys!). Thanks for all your help during my recuperation!
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