It's been a busy couple of days! My friend Carol called Wednesday morning and wanted to go for a bicycle ride. I couldn't because Schiz was at the groomer's and I didn't know when they'd call and say she was ready. I ran around and did errands, went to Kathy's house for the first time and got to see her neat place, and about noon went to Wally-world. Just as I was leaving there Mary called and wanted to go for a bicycle ride. I said I needed to wait until after I could get Schiz home, so we decided on 1:30ish. Right away the groomer called and Schiz was ready to go...she got a summer haircut...she looks so little and clean now!!!
Anyway, I met Mary on the bike path and we rode it down and around the park, then out towards the highway and back. Wound up with 18.06 miles. After a shower and fighting off a nap, I went over to Pat's to see what she's been doing. She makes creative cards...they are just wonderful!!! She made some boxes to put the cards in...I should have taken pictures! They're really, really cute!!! By the time I left there it was well past dark, so I came home and IRONED!!!
Then at 10:30 this morning I met Carol and we went out for a fairly long ride (for this early in the year!) We rode the bike path down to the old Main bridge, over and through South Hutch, and out west on Highway 61/50 almost to Whiteside. By the time we got back I had 24.28 miles. I was still feeling really good...but this evening I'm really tired. However, just a short while ago Carol called and we're going again tomorrow morning!!! We just don't get enough of these gorgeous days in February and March...we have to take advantage of them when we can!
After the ride and getting cleaned up, I needed to run a couple of errands. When headed to the post office I saw Greg shooting photos of the memorial just west of the post office. (Later he showed me some of the shots he took...he really has talent! Lincoln with the flag behind him was a really beautiful shot!) After picking up my mail I drove back that direction and he waved me down. He said, "I want a ride in your car!!! Patsy tells me I need to have a ride in your car!!" So he hopped in and we rode out East A to K61 and south to about the park entrance. I love expounding on all the things I love about my little roller skate of a car: Honda Fit Sport....I LOVE IT!!! It's fun and economical and ZIPPY!
After that I decided to go to Yoder (long story, won't go into it here)...but came back past the town of Elmer. I don't know if I'd know where Elmer is if I wasn't a bicycle rider. There are two houses at Elmer...but I think at least one is empty. Mainly it's just the grain elevator.
stopped and took a few shots. In case you're curious, go south out of South Hutchinson on Highway 17, and as it curves and 17 goes south, and 96 east to Wichita (Crupper's Corner)
...instead of going south on 17, go north on that little road. Within about 1/2 mile, you'll be in Elmer!! And within about 5/8 of a mile, you'll be out of Elmer! It's a great road to bicycle ride...very little traffic and so far, no dogs.
All in all I've played hard for the past couple of days and have thoroughly enjoyed it! Love this weather!!!
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