Today was the Hutchinson News' Monster Garage Sale at the Meadowlark Building on the Kansas State Fair Grounds. Jude (my sister) and Pat (a long-time friend) and I rented a booth together. Jude makes sterling silver jewelry with stones, Pat makes beautiful creative greeting cards, and I have sterling silver jewelry and some pen-and-ink drawings.
There's Jude in the black sweater. The blue table cloth area was her stuff.
Jude came from Joplin yesterday morning and in the afternoon we made a trip to Wichita to go "rock shopping". Then last night we went up to the fairgrounds to take extra tables and chairs and just check it all out. WOW!!! Lots and lots and lots of stuff! We came home, went to bed early, and got up early to be up there by 6 a.m.
We got all set up and ready, having heard last night that at 7 a.m. they open the doors and a "throng" of people come in. About 5 minutes til 7 I looked up at the doors, and I kid you not...there were people crammed in the front entrance like sardines!!!! Incredible!!! Did you know people get up that @?#&%$ early to go garage saling??? Well, when they opened the doors they did this incredible thing: the first people came in and immediately stopped to start looking at the crowd is still trying to get in. How dumb!
Now, all in all, I had a GREAT day! But early on when someone said, "Look at all those people!", I had responded with, "Yeah...and 90% haven't had a shower or brushed their teeth!" And they hadn't! But, beyond that and numerous times witnessing the absolute most perfect reason for birth control, we had fun and did very well. Pat and Jude didn't do quite as well as I did...and from the threats I was hearing, I may have to pay for it later. I did have a really good day. I had told myself earlier this week that if I did well, I'd treat myself to a nice new computer chair. A good friend of mine has a chair I just love, so today, after Jude headed back to Joplin and I had unloaded my car, I went out to Office Max and bought a new computer chair. I've sat on an old wooden straight chair for far too long. (However, I'm still sitting on it while typing this!) The new chair is still in the box in the middle of the kitchen floor. Tomorrow, with fresh eyes and rested brain, I'll attempt putting it together!
The pictures were taken before the doors o
pen...that's why no crowd. After the doors open none of us could leave the booth for quite a while. Well...except Pat...who found a way to entertain us by modeling a goofy hat from a nearby booth! Fun day! I enjoyed it...but I'm sure ready for a good night's rest tonight.
Yes! People get up early for garage sales. You never know what treasure is laying on a table with a twenty five cent sticker on it! I was out of town this weekend or I would have been there. Although, frankly, because I like glassware it's sometime better for me to go late in the day when people are looking at packing it all up. :)
Hey..I house is about 75% early garage sale.
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