Saturday, October 3, 2009

Diggin' Cannas

This morning I thought "I need to start digging up cannas." I'd planted 71 cannas last I decided I'd dig 10 cannas a day for 7 days...that ought to about do it!! Then I went online and learned that you should wait until after the frost has "bitten" the leaves and then dig within a week or so.

But...this afternoon I got antsy and decided I'd just go dig up ONE!!! This ONE was behind the shed, not really in the line-up of good cannas....and this ONE, although as tall, wasn't NEARLY as big as the others. That's a tennis ball for reference in the second picture.

I picked and pulled and cleaned wet dirt away...I ended up with 24 "plantable" pieces...but probably 60% of those are double bulbs. There must have been at least 40-45 bulbs under just one "not in the good line-up" group. I am almost afraid of the good ones now!!!

I'm now thinking instead of digging 10 cannas for 7 days, I'll dig one canna each day for 10 days!!! That should be more than enough for me!!!

I've had several people say they'd like canna bulbs. So here's my plan: in about a week I'll start making phone calls. Bring bags or boxes and come dig 'em!!!!! thought I'd dig them FOR you...WRONG!!!!! Actually they're pretty easy to dig as most of the bulbs are almost above the ground; it's just a matter of convincing the roots to turn loose.

So....if YOU'D like cannas just let me know!!! I have plenty for everyone I think!!!!

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