Today was the craft fair at the church about 3 blocks down the street. (I think I mentioned in an earlier blog that I'm thinking the Methodists may require membership from me before the Christmas season is over!)
I had rented my space and a table...usually that's a 10' x 10' space with an 8' table. I got a whole room today!!! It was 18' x 18' (I stepped it off) and there were actually 2 big tables and I took my little 4' table as well. Most of the other vendors were in similar rooms...some with one or two in
I set Pat's Iris-folded greeting cards up on the 4' table and my jewelry on the biggest, tallest table. Then I used the table behind me for reserve and work space.
The crowd was ok...not tremendous, but pretty steady and most everyone was extremely pleasant and friendly. On a scale of 1-10, I'd have to probably give it a 6 or 7...relative to how I've done in the past at other sales. Not great, but certainly worth the time and effort. And if
The Methodist membership had spaces upstairs and all the non-church members were located in the basement. The members were selling food....and I think ALL the good smells were coming downstairs!!!! They had chili, and chicken and noodles, and cruellers, and cookies, and a huge selection of pies. And it did smell wonderful. I resisted temptation when they came around early this a.m. with a tray of warm cruellers....and I resisted even a little later when a fellow offered to go upstairs and get me one. But third time, I folded. By then some woman had come by nibbling on one and said how good they were and they were made with a potato next time they were offered, I asked for one. They were cold by then, but still very, very good. I sure wish I'd have gotten in on the warm ones though...'course then probably one wouldn't have been enough!!!
All in all, a very nice day. I enjoy meeting and talking with people, whether they buy anything or not. One of my ex-neighbors dropped by and we both knew we knew each other and finally figured out from where. Another pleasant conversation followed.
Well...that's all for now... It's a lovely day...take advantage of it.
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