There used to be two trees. And one early morning in late May 2008 I heard a loud pop and my electricity went off. It was about 4 a.m. so I decided to "sleep in"...let 'em get the power back on before I got up. But when I did get up and padded out into the backyard to see what was going on, I noticed this black "hose" running up to the top of my sunroom. I thought, "Wow...it must have really been windy last night for that hose to be up there." Then it occurred to me that I don't own a black hose. That was when I realized that was the power line coming into my house.

As I said in an earlier blog, I've been here three years. These trees are obviously older than that. Soooo....the idiot that planted these obviously never once looked up. The power line ran (still does) right through the middle of these two trees. And one of them had evidently rubbed it in two.
I called Westar and knew all three guys that came out. One was an ex-neighbor of mine, one was a friend of a friend (old drinking buddies), and the third guy I just knew who he was. They called the tree guys and soon we were in business. They were all super nice and it didn't cost me a penny because it had interfered with their

Funny note: As we were waiting for the tree trimmer to arrive, I said I'd go in and put on the coffee pot if they'd like a cup of coffee. One of the guys just grinned really big and said, "Would that be an ELECTRIC coffeemaker?" I suspect they've been here before!
Anyway...in looking to find out that my Bradford pear trees bloom about April 6 (after the Forsythia bush) I found these photos and thought they were interesting.

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