Yesterday was another beautiful day. Still trying to loosen up that hamstring so I went up to the little bike path (Hutch has two bike paths - hopefully someday they'll meet) and rode up and back and up and back and got home with 10.65 miles. Hamstring seemed better.
Carol and I decided to ride again this morning. We decided to just go to the south end of the bike trail (the BIG bike trail) and ride it north, then back south, and then back across town. Wound up with 19.25 miles. A nice ride. However, I noticed about the 14 mile mark that I was definitely feeling the old hamstring pull again.

Since I think this problem originated from my bike seat being changed, I decided it needed to be changed again...just a little.
I had ordered some new bike tires and received them yesterday, so after I got home I decided to put those on. I got RED ones!!!! I think after I ride them for awhile most of that may go away...but I thought they were kinda cute!
After some struggling and cussing, I finally decided I just didn't have the hand strength to loosen the allen bolt/nut/whatever they call it to

adjust my seat, so after my son got home I asked him to do that and we adjusted it. All this is happening in the sunroom. Needing to "try it on" I slipped on a pair of flip flops that were handy, and swung my leg over the bike. Trying to balance and sit on the seat and still reach the floor, and well...I'm a klutz. I fell COMPLETELY OVER!!!! IN THE SUNROOM !!!! J helped me up and asked if I was ok. I thought so....I had barely skinned my left knee on the wicker/rattan rug out there and my left hip hurt...but I'm ok. Five minutes later I decided my hip still hurt, I should go look. I always say: Count Your Blessings!!!! There are
no pictures....but my lower hip (the part where women usually bulge) looks like I've been kicked by a mule. And has started feeling a little like that too. I have a small thumb-sized bruise and a larger chicken egg-sized bruise on my left knee. And my ego is SHOT! I told J that if I wasn't so fat, I would have probably broken my hip, but my padding cushioned it for me, I guess.
J mentioned that the tires were kind of slick and I need to watch out for them until I put a few miles on them. Maybe that's part of why I fell? But a couple of short rides to check the seat position and I'm ready to go again. am I counting my blessings? one except my son saw me do it!!!!! He did however make some snide comment about me evidently not needing to be in motion to fall over....
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