Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ok...when the day starts off "funny" (funny as in weird, not going as planned, etc.) one should just return to bed and stay there!!!!

To begin with: the flowers that I couldn't identify...they're coral bells!!! Easy, huh?

The neighbor that wants to mow two strips into my yard: we discussed it this morning. I was out applying weed-and-feed and he started edging, so I decided it might be time to say something. I asked him to please not mow into my yard, as it's creating a little problem and that for the past 3 1/2 years he mows 1 to 2 strips over into my yard and that I would appreciate it if he wouldn't do that anymore. Finally slamming his dumb mouth shut, he said, "Well!!! I didn't know it would be such a problem for you!" I just said, "I'd sure appreciate it..." And I walked off! No love lost, I'm sure. I did notice that he edged about a foot over the line, but I don't think I'll go back for that. I probably outweigh him and I'm about 4 inches taller than he is...I don't want to hurt him! Much.

Then I cleaned the pool...hey, it's happening!!! Looking pretty good. I fully intend to get in a swim before the weekend is over!!! The water is about 75 degrees and BLUE!!!!! (More on this later.)

After cleaning up I went to run errands. The "phone store" isn't in either of it's two former locations. Finally found it....wanted to do the free exchange with my battery. First battery says "Invalid Battery" when I plug it in (in my car, in their parking dummy coming home first). Well, they put in another one and so far it seems to work.

Went to buy some little Dixie Cups for the bathroom and the place doesn't have those I chose something said $1 on the shelf...and $2 at the register. Ok.

Walmart did let me exchange the oily tuna...but she explained that they don't normally let people return food products. And I explained that I wasn't having a good day and might lie down in the floor and hold my breath and scream....I said it with a smile!! But she let me exchange the tuna.

I went to the pool store to get my water tested...and lo and behold...guess who needs still more chemicals. And they ain't cheap chemicals! $61 more and I'm guaranteed that within 24 hours my pool should be beautiful. It was looking pretty good before I now it supposed to be a sure thing. Of course, getting all the instructions from the people at the store, I came right home and started putting the stuff in the instructed. Well....about 1/2 way through dumping the 3 liter bottle into the skimmer, I thought it was feeling thick. NOBODY SAID TO SHAKE IT FIRST!!!!!! And I didn't read the directions! So I added pool water several time and shook it and kept adding it....I can only hope it works correctly. Dumb, dumb, dum! I think so far this spring I've spent a little over $400 opening this pool....and I'm not done yet, as the pool crew is going to come out and change the sand in my filter. I DO already have the sand it should just be labor $$.

And...ask me about the new diet! I bought some small candy bars to give to the people at the pool store (this was an idea developed prior to the $61 chemicals)....and so of course, I bought a package for myself as much for not eating chocolate. And before you tell me to just eat one or two a day...TOO LATE!!!!!

I also just heard on tv that if you spend time sitting around with someone who bores you or leaves you feeling empty, the perfect mate is probably out wandering around looking for you. So, no more sitting around with Mr. Not-Right......whatever that means!

Count your blessings! I'm actually in a pretty good mood and feel fortunate to be able to do the things I do and have the things I have. I'm healthy (as far as I know), I'm able to feed myself and keep a roof over my head, and even at 65 I can usually still get a man's attention (requires either yelling, "Fire!", "Free!", or a big plate of barbecued meat....but I can still get his attention!)

Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Don't forget to thank God for our military people that are spending time away from their families to save ours. BRING 'EM HOME!!!!!

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