Saturday, January 29, 2011
Garage Salin'
Tis the season...well, almost! Needing a garage sale fix I went to an estate sale yesterday. And this is what I wound up with:

For $1.50 I was pretty pleased. I'm needing house plants and Stutzman's isn't quite into that yet, so this fills the need..for now. I think this is an Hawaiian Schefflera. But I'm not sure of that at all...I don't really's GREEN (for now!)
I also bought a couple of Sonoma coffee cups 2/$1 ... but my photo looks "squatty". Just nice big cups with moose and bear and pine trees on them....just what I needed to go with the other dozen or so cups that I think I just have to have! Duh!
Rode 17.5 miles with Carol yesterday and plan to go again today if the weather holds.
Count your blessings...get out and get some of this gorgeous, laugh, love!!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Bandit & Schizo
60 Degrees & a Bank Robbery !
And people say Kansas is DULL!!!! Ha!
Yesterday was gorgeous (and today's supposed to be even better!!)....60 degrees, sunshine, no snow left, very little breeze...really lovely. I went for a short bicycle ride - up to the bike path, down and back (and sorry, counted 45...yes, 45!!! piles...people, you're there for exercise...if your dog goes, bend over and pick up the poop!!!!...Oh well, that's maybe an editorial for the Hutch News)...anyway, all in all a wonderful afternoon.
After I got home I took Schiz for a walk down to the soccer park (about 1/2 mile maybe) and all of a sudden there were cops everywhere..going this way and that. One stopped and asked me if I'd seen a two-toned tan car. "No...not that I remember...." Then my neighbor was out and they asked him too. Thinking someone was probably drag-racing or something, I continued my walk and was happy as a clam.
I'm babysitting for my neighbor's little Shih tzu, Bandit....who's a doll but Schiz does NOT like him AT about 6pm I went down to take him for a short walk. As we wandered around the yards I noticed two people in similar uniforms walk across the intersection a block south of me. I thought they looked like cops. ??? No biggie.....
After taking Bandit back home and coming inside, I heard car doors slamming. It was dark by then so I just peeked out my kitchen blinds. Two cop cars and two officers walking across the lawn right across the street from me. They went to Dwight's door, talked with him, and then he opened his garage door for them. Then they continued around the cul de sac having everyone do the same thing..opening their garage doors.
I'm a firm believer a nosy neighbor is the best insurance policy you can have so I continued to watch...not even trying to hide the fact that I was watching. I had turned on all my outside lights (and living on the corner that's quite a few). Shortly they got to my place and I found out what was going on: there had been a robbery up on 30th street (I found out later it was an armed robbery at the drive-up window to a bank) and they thought the vehicle was still in the area. I opened my garage door, then my neighbor's who I'm dogsitting for, then back across the cul de sac circle to open one where they didn't receive an answer and I had the code for the door. Nope, none of us robbed the bank! Guess we're all in the clear!
When I found out details later, I heard that it was a woman who had robbed the bank....and those cops didn't even frisk me or anything!
My big question now is: how does one hold-up a bank from a drive-up window????? Isn't that bullet-proof glass???? Couldn't the teller just duck and ring an alarm or something? What's wrong with this picture??? today's supposed to be near 70 degrees with very little wind. I already have a bicycle ride scheduled with a friend, so I'd better get busy around here so I can play hard later. Count your blessings....and your money if you robbed the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was gorgeous (and today's supposed to be even better!!)....60 degrees, sunshine, no snow left, very little breeze...really lovely. I went for a short bicycle ride - up to the bike path, down and back (and sorry, counted 45...yes, 45!!! piles...people, you're there for exercise...if your dog goes, bend over and pick up the poop!!!!...Oh well, that's maybe an editorial for the Hutch News)...anyway, all in all a wonderful afternoon.
After I got home I took Schiz for a walk down to the soccer park (about 1/2 mile maybe) and all of a sudden there were cops everywhere..going this way and that. One stopped and asked me if I'd seen a two-toned tan car. "No...not that I remember...." Then my neighbor was out and they asked him too. Thinking someone was probably drag-racing or something, I continued my walk and was happy as a clam.
I'm babysitting for my neighbor's little Shih tzu, Bandit....who's a doll but Schiz does NOT like him AT about 6pm I went down to take him for a short walk. As we wandered around the yards I noticed two people in similar uniforms walk across the intersection a block south of me. I thought they looked like cops. ??? No biggie.....
After taking Bandit back home and coming inside, I heard car doors slamming. It was dark by then so I just peeked out my kitchen blinds. Two cop cars and two officers walking across the lawn right across the street from me. They went to Dwight's door, talked with him, and then he opened his garage door for them. Then they continued around the cul de sac having everyone do the same thing..opening their garage doors.
I'm a firm believer a nosy neighbor is the best insurance policy you can have so I continued to watch...not even trying to hide the fact that I was watching. I had turned on all my outside lights (and living on the corner that's quite a few). Shortly they got to my place and I found out what was going on: there had been a robbery up on 30th street (I found out later it was an armed robbery at the drive-up window to a bank) and they thought the vehicle was still in the area. I opened my garage door, then my neighbor's who I'm dogsitting for, then back across the cul de sac circle to open one where they didn't receive an answer and I had the code for the door. Nope, none of us robbed the bank! Guess we're all in the clear!
When I found out details later, I heard that it was a woman who had robbed the bank....and those cops didn't even frisk me or anything!
My big question now is: how does one hold-up a bank from a drive-up window????? Isn't that bullet-proof glass???? Couldn't the teller just duck and ring an alarm or something? What's wrong with this picture??? today's supposed to be near 70 degrees with very little wind. I already have a bicycle ride scheduled with a friend, so I'd better get busy around here so I can play hard later. Count your blessings....and your money if you robbed the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Before and After
I've redone my ironing room...well, in real life, it's supposed to be a bedroom. But I didn't need it for another bedroom, so it's my ironing room...and my bicycle/trainer room. It was, in my opinion, U-G-L-Y!!!! This is the old way...complete with the previous owner's really poor job of covering up nail holes.
And truly, it was worse than this's was a southwest peachy-orange color.
Below is the new way. I'm pretty sure this is a "love it or hate thing" middle ground. Since I'm pretty much the only person that spends any time in there, that's ok...'cause I love it!!!
The wall with the window is a darker shade of green, as well as the area around the closets and bathroom doorway. The wall with the mirror on it is the same color as the wall with the clothes rack ... except that the wall with the mirror has a faux treatment of bronze ragged onto it. (You should be able to double click on these and see them better.)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Round-Soled Shoes
Love 'em!!!! Love 'em so much that I bought a second pair. The white ones are Filas and I bought those first at Kohl's in Wichita for $ fact, they were a little less than that because I got a senior discount too! 
After wearing the white Filas for a few days, I decided I wanted some Skecher Shape Ups. They'd had those at Kohl's too. $109.99, on sale for $69.99. But you know, I really love I went shopping. I had copied down the style numbers, etc. when I was at Kohl's so I knew exactly what I wanted. I found this black pair - absolutely brand new - and paid WITH shipping charges, $31.98!!!!!
I've worn the white ones quite a bit, but today decided to wear the black ones. The black Skechers do have quite a lot more padding, but as far as comfort, I really didn't notice a difference. I love the way they feel. Very, very comfortable.
I had some people tell me that I'd have trouble getting used to walking in them, especially on stairs, but I really didn't. I could feel a difference for a few days (the rounded sole) but was never uncomfortable or felt "off balance" ( least not in my feet!)
Monday I had an appointment with my chiropractor (who I openly adore!) and asked him what he thought of them. He stuck his foot up and said, "I like 'em too!!" as he showed me the pair he had on. He believes that they not only work your leg muscles, but he said that you stand straighter in them! That your back is straighter. Great, huh?
After wearing the white Filas for a few days, I decided I wanted some Skecher Shape Ups. They'd had those at Kohl's too. $109.99, on sale for $69.99. But you know, I really love I went shopping. I had copied down the style numbers, etc. when I was at Kohl's so I knew exactly what I wanted. I found this black pair - absolutely brand new - and paid WITH shipping charges, $31.98!!!!!
I've worn the white ones quite a bit, but today decided to wear the black ones. The black Skechers do have quite a lot more padding, but as far as comfort, I really didn't notice a difference. I love the way they feel. Very, very comfortable.
I had some people tell me that I'd have trouble getting used to walking in them, especially on stairs, but I really didn't. I could feel a difference for a few days (the rounded sole) but was never uncomfortable or felt "off balance" ( least not in my feet!)
Monday I had an appointment with my chiropractor (who I openly adore!) and asked him what he thought of them. He stuck his foot up and said, "I like 'em too!!" as he showed me the pair he had on. He believes that they not only work your leg muscles, but he said that you stand straighter in them! That your back is straighter. Great, huh?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
B O R E D O M.......
Boredom Deluxe!!! I think I genuinely HATE winter. It's cold, it's dreary, it's no fun!!! Schiz and I went for a ride today. I tried to convince her these were "puppies"....but I don't think she bought it!
She looked...then turned and looked at me like, "And you're driving?" Then we went down to Carey Park and watched the ducks and geese for awhile. I called those "ducks" and she was really into those. We were a lot closer for one thing, and they were walking around. She watched very intently for about 8-10 minutes. She had a good time!
The temps are in the 30's, the snow is melting, the sun is shining brightly....and I'm bored. You know what they say: If you're bored, it's because you're boring!!! How RIGHT!!!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Signs of My Times
A couple of weeks ago I was out at a local greenhouse and saw the sign below. I've been single for about 25 years, and am often asked about "why." This sign isn't exactly right for me...mainly because it's putting the blame on my ex-husband and he really doesn't deserve it. It's the "others" I've seen since then that this sign applies to.
And for those of you who know me....yes, there are other signs and I'm not displaying them here!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
S N O W ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Looks like we had about 2 to 3 inches of snow late yesterday. We surely need the moisture but I'm already bored and feel cooped up.
I went outside about 8am and shoveled the first 3/4 of my double driveway and the sidewalk around the end of the house and the sidewalk from the front door to the street. No big deal...nice exercise.
About noon I decided I'd go out and finish the driveway. All that was left to be shoveled was the part that kind of angles down to the street. About the time I finished my drive, my 96 year old neighbor came home. His driveway is "with" mine...but his driveway and garage are single car width. Well, he cut the corner, jumped the curb, revved his little Honda up and came on up into the driveway....driving about six feet into his yard. He went ahead and pulled into his garage, then came out to talk. Now, he's 96, and absolutely stone deaf!!!
He told me he'd just driven back from "the farm" (up by Salina - 60 miles or so). As we talked I started shoveling his drive and porch. He thanked me and was super nice about it.
When I finished, I came in and was getting ready to nuke some soup when I saw him walking his two little dogs south down the street!!!! They walk EVERY day...but I didn't think he'd walk in the snow and slush! He's 96!!!!!
While I was watching him and wondering who was nuttier - him or me - a truck pulled up in front of my house. Then another one. GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! They had snow blowers! GUESS WHAT!?!?! The Homeowner's Association evidently clears snow!!! Oh well...I had good exercise...that's what I'm calling it!!!! I talked to one of the guys and he said, "Well, when we pulled up I kind of thought 'someone's already done them'....then I saw it was just yours."
Live and and and learn!!!! BTW: Soup was good!!!!
I went outside about 8am and shoveled the first 3/4 of my double driveway and the sidewalk around the end of the house and the sidewalk from the front door to the street. No big deal...nice exercise.
About noon I decided I'd go out and finish the driveway. All that was left to be shoveled was the part that kind of angles down to the street. About the time I finished my drive, my 96 year old neighbor came home. His driveway is "with" mine...but his driveway and garage are single car width. Well, he cut the corner, jumped the curb, revved his little Honda up and came on up into the driveway....driving about six feet into his yard. He went ahead and pulled into his garage, then came out to talk. Now, he's 96, and absolutely stone deaf!!!
He told me he'd just driven back from "the farm" (up by Salina - 60 miles or so). As we talked I started shoveling his drive and porch. He thanked me and was super nice about it.
When I finished, I came in and was getting ready to nuke some soup when I saw him walking his two little dogs south down the street!!!! They walk EVERY day...but I didn't think he'd walk in the snow and slush! He's 96!!!!!
While I was watching him and wondering who was nuttier - him or me - a truck pulled up in front of my house. Then another one. GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! They had snow blowers! GUESS WHAT!?!?! The Homeowner's Association evidently clears snow!!! Oh well...I had good exercise...that's what I'm calling it!!!! I talked to one of the guys and he said, "Well, when we pulled up I kind of thought 'someone's already done them'....then I saw it was just yours."
Live and and and learn!!!! BTW: Soup was good!!!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Twisted Mind?
I'm a "puzzle" person. I love crosswords, sudoku, scrambles, text twist, mah jong ... any kind of puzzle or game!!!
One glance....and this is why I wonder about my mind....I "unscramble" L I G O D F E ......and I get the reason a lot of people probably give when they miss church on Sunday morning: I GOLFED.
Should I seek help?
Friday, January 7, 2011
A Trip to Paxico
I went to Paxico - Maple Hill today. What FUN!!!!
I picked up one cousin at her home near Alma...and we met my other cousin (her sister) at Paxico and did the "antique-shopping" routine. None of us bought a whole lot but we had a good time doing it.
The quarter-of-a-cow on the plate was Shon's lunch...well...actually if was PART of Shon's lunch...she'd already eaten about 1/4 of it when I thought to take a picture! It was HUGE!!! Plus I think there was a cup of slaw with it too. I didn't taste it but both Shon and Becky agreed it was "the buy of the day." It was evidently very very good!!!
We met a super nice lady at one of the antique stores in Paxico and had a great visit with her. Then crossed the street to look around in another shop where there was the cutest little dog. He was 1/2 West Highland White Terrier and 1/2 long-haired Dachshund. He was blackish-grey with brown feather-y spots and huge ears and really, really cute. RV...or maybe that's Arvie...was his name.
And the wind blew!!! Holy cow...did the wind ever blow!!!!! Between Maple Hill (where we went after the antiquing) and Salina I was fighting to stay on the road. After turning south at Salina it was pretty smooth sailing the rest of the way home.
Great day....great fun!!! Looking forward to doing more in the near future!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
January 6, 2011 - 19 miles - WOW!!!
I'm having a great day!!! A friend called yesterday to see if I'd be interested in a little bicycle ride today and I said, "Sure!" I've been riding a trainer inside but only doing about 6 miles a day...just to keep the old legs goin' around. is's about 55 degrees with a fairly strong wind out of the west-north-west. Carol suggested to the Highlands and maybe "a couple of laps". So to the Highlands it was. Entrance to Highlands is about 7 miles, lap is about 3 miles. We were about 1/2 way around the first lap when she said, "This may count as two day's worth of riding!" The wind was a little gustier than we'd perhaps calculated!
At the end of the first lap, IF we were going to do another lap we needed to turn north again. As we're heading out, I asked, "Were we going to do another lap?" (Mind you, I'm on the north side of Carol.) Carol said, "I don't care; what do you want to do?" I just kept going straight and never turned north...finally, after we're past the road, I said, "Guess!"
Nineteen miles by the time I got home (rode a little past my house and back to round it up to 19) and I'm feeling GREAT about it!!! Super ride....super friend.....super time.... which reminds me: it's almost SUPPER time!!!! (Go put all those calories back in!!)
All in all, it's a beautiful day. As someone I know used to say: for every day we get like this, it's just one less day of snow and cold.
Count your blessings!! I sure am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is's about 55 degrees with a fairly strong wind out of the west-north-west. Carol suggested to the Highlands and maybe "a couple of laps". So to the Highlands it was. Entrance to Highlands is about 7 miles, lap is about 3 miles. We were about 1/2 way around the first lap when she said, "This may count as two day's worth of riding!" The wind was a little gustier than we'd perhaps calculated!
At the end of the first lap, IF we were going to do another lap we needed to turn north again. As we're heading out, I asked, "Were we going to do another lap?" (Mind you, I'm on the north side of Carol.) Carol said, "I don't care; what do you want to do?" I just kept going straight and never turned north...finally, after we're past the road, I said, "Guess!"
Nineteen miles by the time I got home (rode a little past my house and back to round it up to 19) and I'm feeling GREAT about it!!! Super ride....super friend.....super time.... which reminds me: it's almost SUPPER time!!!! (Go put all those calories back in!!)
All in all, it's a beautiful day. As someone I know used to say: for every day we get like this, it's just one less day of snow and cold.
Count your blessings!! I sure am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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