After wearing the white Filas for a few days, I decided I wanted some Skecher Shape Ups. They'd had those at Kohl's too. $109.99, on sale for $69.99. But you know, I really love I went shopping. I had copied down the style numbers, etc. when I was at Kohl's so I knew exactly what I wanted. I found this black pair - absolutely brand new - and paid WITH shipping charges, $31.98!!!!!
I've worn the white ones quite a bit, but today decided to wear the black ones. The black Skechers do have quite a lot more padding, but as far as comfort, I really didn't notice a difference. I love the way they feel. Very, very comfortable.
I had some people tell me that I'd have trouble getting used to walking in them, especially on stairs, but I really didn't. I could feel a difference for a few days (the rounded sole) but was never uncomfortable or felt "off balance" ( least not in my feet!)
Monday I had an appointment with my chiropractor (who I openly adore!) and asked him what he thought of them. He stuck his foot up and said, "I like 'em too!!" as he showed me the pair he had on. He believes that they not only work your leg muscles, but he said that you stand straighter in them! That your back is straighter. Great, huh?
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