As many of you probably already know, Jude (my sister) is making jewelry. We decided recently to have a "Come and Go Open House" and show her jewelry, and my jewelry, and my friend Pat's handmade greeting cards. Last Friday was the day!
Here with the blue cloth is one of Jude's two tables.
And here is one of Pat's tables of cards. She used this library-type table, plus the coffee table...then extended it to the sofa.
And here's one of two tables that I had with my stuff set up on it.
The day was great. I'd extended invitations to a LOT of people (Jude and Pat couldn't believe I KNEW that many people), and as I predicted, about a fourth dropped by to see what we had.
All in all it was a very successful day for all of I got to "catch up" with a lot of old friends I hadn't seen in a while! That was probably the high point for me!
We've had such a good response we're now thinking of doing it again. Another friend is thinking about setting up a table with her Pampered Chef wares as well. This is really fun! Just a chance to visit and show others what we have available.
The following morning Jude and I took a quick trip to Wichita to pick up more supplies before she headed back to Joplin. She was having trouble believing we'd had 18" of snow just the week before, as most all of it had disappeared. This morning I called her to tell her we'd had snow again. This morning's snow was more of an icy snow...covering the blades of green grass but rapidly melting when it hit the concrete drive and street. And by mid-afternoon it was completely gone. Feels funny knowing I need to mow again...and have to wait until there's no snow drifts.
Hopefully soon we can actually feel SURE that it's spring. I have cannas and elephant ears and zinnias to plant. And I want to plant a tomato plant or two as well...and maybe a cucumber plant. I know that when whatever I plant bears fruit so will everyone else's...and they'll sell them at little roadside!!! But there's something about growing your own tomatoes and cucumbers that I like. For one thing, I like my tomatoes barely red..somewhere between greenish pink and light red. Most people like them dead ripe. And I like small cucumbers...not big, seedy, pithy ones. And if I grow my own, I can pick them as I want them! I'm really anxious for some nice - consistently nice - weather to get here.
My mom was always insistent on picking the cucumbers when they were small... before the seeds were so noticeable.
Only way to eat them....they're much newer and fresher then, I think.
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