Saturday - April 11 - I planted canna bulbs. Lots of canna bulbs!
Last year - sometime in mid-June - I acquired a bagful of canna bulbs (garage sale, folks!) and planted 18 bulbs. Within a week, I had at least 20-22 sprouts...and shortly after that, I had more like 30! One bulb definitely makes more than one sprout.
In the first picture, notice the height of the plants that I planted back by the polycart...you know, back where even grass won't grow... The second and fourth shots are of the same ones a few weeks later...higher than the 6' privacy fence!

Strangely enough...I don't think the flower is all that spectacular. It's pretty. It's ok. But the huge green leaves are what I find so attractive. I also like (and have) elephant ear bulbs (to plant yet...later.)

Now these in the third shot didn't get as much sunlight...and maybe they're a different type, I'm not sure. They didn't do quite as well. Last year I also had more planted on the north side of the garage, on the south side in front of the fence, and everywhere else I could put them.
So when fall came last year, I dug up bulbs and put them in bags and hid them away in a cupboard in what I call my "ante-room".
Got them out Saturday and started planting.

I've promised my sister the rest of this year's "crop" (after I plant a few more in front of the fence), but I'm sure by fall I'll have plenty to supply most of Hutch. I've said that I may not dig them up this fall...maybe I'll just mulch them well and see what happens.
Sure felt good to get out and dig in the dirt...and then Easter Sunday it rained all day, giving us over an inch of moisture. Perfect for newly planted bulbs!
I still have zinnia seeds to plant...and I want a couple of Roma tomato plants...and maybe a cucumber (going to try and get it to vine up the trellis on the side of my shed).
I'm SOOOOOOOO ready for spring and summer!!!!
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