Friday, November 5, 2010

Mixed Bag

It's been awhile since I've posted anything here so decided today should be the day. It's been an extremely good day for me.

A couple of weeks ago (after my dermotologist appointment) I had an appointment to see my "regular" doctor (actually I don't know if she's regular or not :) ) At that time she had me do a fasting lab blood test. I hadn't received the results of it yet.

Also at that time, because I had become ULTRA-aware of every little bump on my body, I had found a small skin tag on my hip, just below my pantie line. I showed it to her and she assured me it was merely a seborrheic keratosis and we'd freeze it off. We scheduled another appointment and that was for today.

I considered cancelling the appointment as the little skin tag had nearly disappeared, however, I'd found a rough spot in the middle of my back at my waistline and decided to have her look at that too. All of a sudden, I'm very aware of these! I also wanted to check on the results of my blood work.

Bottom line: both places are seborrheic keratosis. Neither anything to be concerned about, and I chose not to have either removed/frozen off. Both are in areas that never see the light of day...and anyone who did have the "opportunity" (ha ha ha) would be so appalled at all the blood veins popping out all over my legs they'd never notice a little skin bump!

But the good news: My lab tests!!! My "everything" is great! My cholesterol is fantastic! My bad cholesterol is low, my good cholesterol is high. I've lost about 20 pounds for no apparent reason other that I've been biking a lot more. When I commented that I was happy about my cholesterol but couldn't understand it, as my diet is horrible, she responded, "But you exercise!" She assures me that's what keeping it so good. Ok...a 20 pound weight loss, my lab tests are all good news...I'm one happy camper!!!

So after I got home I called Carol and she was already out on the road. I met her up on 82nd between Monroe and Hendricks and we rode a while longer. Great ride! Great company! We plan to ride again tomorrow if the weather holds.'s a picture of the tree in my front yard. I believe it to be a Cypress. It's just beginning to drop it's "leaves"....and Schiz seems to be a magnet for them. Long haired dog and Cypress leaves are NOT a good match. Luckily she loves to be brushed!
Enough for today! Hope your day's been as good as mine. Count your blessings!!!!

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