Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Several times lately I've seen small bunnies out in the yard. Many times when a group of people are sitting around, the adult rabbits in our neighborhood will get within 3 or 4 feet. Last night I was watering and noticed "an old dead, dried leaf" under my Rose of Sharon bushes. Thought I should pick it up and turned the hose a different direction, when I noticed the "leaf" was moving a little. I watched and saw it was breathing. I knew (hoped) it was a nest of bunnies (and not rats or skunks!) so I left it completely alone. I, great dieter that I am, didn't have any lettuce or carrots, but I did take out 3 little grape tomatoes and put them on the concrete of the patio.

Later in the evening, before dark, I looked out and the mama rabbit was over the nest. She must have been nursing them. I thought the rabbits I had seen in the yard were probably past that stage.

Today I went out to look. She has the babies uncovered. I can see three definitely..maybe more. Clearly they are considerably smaller than the ones I had seen in the yard a few days ago. These are tiny..furry, but tiny.

One of the grape tomatoes is still there but someone/something ate the other two. I took pictures but other than you can see fur, you can't really tell a whole lot yet. For now, they're pretty safe...inside my patio where a dog can't get them...and we don't have any cats around that I've seen.

Watch for the continued saga of the Forest Garden Bunnies!!!

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