Thursday, January 29, 2009

Busy Week

Yeah...kind of busy...maybe not so much for me, but for some of the people that I care about and try to keep track of what's happening with them. In this past week, three people that I'm close to have had surgery. One in Wichita, one in Manhattan, and one in Topeka (I think).

Patsy, the "uber Christmas maven" as her friend Greg calls her, had surgery Tuesday morning. You can follow along on her blog. She's had very good news, but still has some serious healing to do. She's a great gal and I just have this feeling that God was somewhat overwhelmed at all the prayers that came rushing up to Him. He probably thought, "Wow..I don't have time to deal with ALL this...I better let her be in good health!" Thus, last night's "BENIGN" news!!

My cousin Shon's husband, Charley had his knee replacement surgery that same morning, and with it came better news than we originally thought. They were planning on a lot of tendon repair/replacement work, but it turned out to not be necessary. So hopefully he'll be "up and kickin'" before too long.

Shon's sister, Becky (another cousin, of course) has been spending time with her daughter who is recuperating from some surgery she had last Friday. There's an absolutely hilarious story here but I can't tell it. Suffice it to say it concerns a sports water bottle and a post-surgery incident.

So..a big 'HURRY AND GET WELL" to Patsy and Charley and Melissa!!!! We want to see all of you back doing what each of you do best!

Stay healthy!!

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