Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Referencing Another's Blog

I have a relatively "new" friend, Patsy. I met her back in late October and have gotten to know her mainly through her blog. The more I read, the better I like her. Yesterday (or perhaps it was the day before) she posted a blog about avoidance, ending it by referencing several older posts. I haven't finished reading all of her older posts, but found one among those that really hit home for me. If you'd care to read it for yourself (and you should), it's

In that recent blog, one of the older posts she referenced was "Logic and Appropriateness". Excellent article! I agree with her totally on how people just refuse to be honest and open. They seem to object to "calling it like it really is".

And then, to where I'm going with this: In today's Hutchinson News there were three very good editorial comments. (I was surprised that the News even published them!)

Two addressed the fact that Obama is getting the blame for so many things for which he has/had no responsibility. I have received so many negative "crap" emails, that I finally just started firing back with "Snopes" messages. If you're gonna spread that crap, then check it out for the truth first!!! (One person actually made my "block sender" list!!!)

To severely summarize the first editorial, Doris Blew from Stafford said reasons people gave for not voting for Obama were "he's a Muslim....not really a citizen....getting money from overseas...will take away your guns". Then after the election, he's "anti-life...doesn't respect the flag...not honest because he decided not to take federal funding for his campaign." But her last paragraph calls it like it is: "I have come to the conclusion that in their hearts and minds this is what they are thinking but won't say out loud: 'I won't vote for a black person.' So they have to make up other excuses." I think she's nailed it!

Hibbard Davis from Wichita wrote another editorial that I thought was extremely well put. He wrote of how "Western Front letters...were rife with foaming at the mouth folks' low estimation of the voters in America for choosing Barack Obama to be our next president." His summarization is excellent: "Let it go. Give the new administration at least a chance to get us back to work rebuilding this society."

And the third editorial that I really appreciated is somewhat along another vein: Beth Vannatta of Halstead spoke of abortion. Excellent editorial. Her final paragraph: "Abortion is not a pleasant choice. But it beats starvation, hate, torture, murder and abandonment. Promote safe, sensible, readily available contraception. It won't end abortion, but it will dramatically reduce the numbers."

I felt all three of these editorials were exceptional (especially to get published in the Hutch News). These three individuals spoke up; and, by the way they were written, I'd say these are people that are well aware these are controversial subjects and that it's highly likely that they will receive feedback. I applaud them for their honesty and openness. Kudos!

I think far too often people just "go with the flow" in order to be nice and not step on anyone's toes or hurt anyone's feelings. I'm sure a good many people wish I'd be MORE that way. Won't happen! I'm sort of a believer in that old adage: If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. So...if this isn't appropriate material for a blog, then don't read it. If you know me, you know I'm certainly not always "appropriate" fact, was I ever?

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