Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day - 2009

Seems like I've really accomplished a lot this long weekend. Got Schiz' shots all taken care of, washed my car, ironed a TON of stuff, and today took a 22 mile bicycle ride with Concha. She called yesterday afternoon to see if I would like to ride today, and my answer was , "YES!!" We met at nine this morning and after a quick stop here to pump up her tires, we headed to the Highlands. We did a couple of laps up there and then headed back to town. Good ride, good company. We're kind of "new friends" and I think we surprized each other with our knowledge of mutual acquaintances. Small world...very small world.

After returning home, I decided to edge and mow before getting my shower. Then came cleaning the pool and shocking it (that's done with chemicals, not just my swimsuit!). Then I came in and got a shower and read the paper and worked the puzzles...and finally gave in to a little nap. (I'm known for being the master of the 7-minute nap! Seven minutes and it's a whole new ballgame!)

Anyway, so now I'm just "chillin'" and waiting for whatever happens next. Sure feels good to have accomplished so much.

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